Pre-settting counter in Skanlite

I am using Skanlite with a CanoScan LiDE-200 flat bed scanner to digitise old photographs.
The scanning activity is, of necessity, intermittent and I am having difficulty with the counter when resuming scanning.

The scan Setting window makes it possible to set the Save location and also to set the Name & Format of the image but I am having problems with the automatic increment which is shown fixed with an uneditable ####, so I have:-

[name entry box] ####.[format drop down selector].

The counter starts at 0001 every time. If I enter a counter number in the name this can increment but must then be re-entered with every the new name. It is easy to make a mistake and it would be better if the increment counter could not be reset on every new start.

Is there any way I can edit the counter to prevent it re-setting to zero on each start?

I am afraid that this is “by design”. The designer thought he should do something to avoid suggesting names that already were used and thus uses that incrementing number during a session. I guess he never though about your wish on how to use it. The result is probably that nothing of the kind you want is available.

Personally I also find it annoying, but not doing mass work as you seem to do, I ignore it and enter the file names all the time myself.

I guess only a suggestion to improve the product to the product designer/maintainer might help here. (I have no idea where to find her/him BTW).

Look in ~/.config/skanliterc

Maybe you can change, but I do not think so.

Maybe you can try xsane instead of skanlite?

Yes, use it myself with an old canon lide 110

xsane has more versatile numbering capability: number of digits, step size, increment or decrement. More importantly, upon restart it resumes from the last number used.

Wow! Many thanks for the advice to look at xsane. No idea why I gravitated to skanlite in first place but will not bother with it any more now I have the real thing.
Only trouble now is the learning curve for xsane.
Many thanks,