Posting Screenshots

I hope this is not a question that has been answered before but a forum search didn’t reveal an answer. I’m using KDE4 and tried on a couple of occasions to post screenshots from KSnapshot to help illustrate a question. I can’t make it work. I take the new screenshot and “Copy to Clipboard” but then there is either no “paste” function available or, depending on what editor mode I’m in, it may paste only the name of the image file. Is it not possible to paste an image along with your messages?
A related question: A short time back, I was using another distro with KDE3. If memory serves me correctly, KSnapshot with KDE3 had a button to send your screenshot directly to the printer. The KDE4 version doesn’t. Does anyone know why and if that will be changed soon.

Move the screenshot to your free storage area on the net (e.g. photobucket, gmail, yahoo, microsoft onelife) and use that address in the forum screenshot address

OK. Thanks.
How about the Ksnapshot question. There appears to be no way to print directly without saving to another app with print capability. I was just using PartMagic and saved a screenshot to the viewer that was packaged with it but it also would not print. Very exasparating.

Can’t help – using Gnome – if no answers forthcoming, start new thread for that question


When the KSnapshot window opens click OpenWith, then select Gwenview and print from there.


I can’t be sure but it may work to click ‘open with’ and type in ‘lpr’ to
send it to the printer.


Actually you can use the gimp for screenshots too, it has printing and all :smiley: