poor sound

hello i use opensuse 11 and alsa driver with kmix. but the sound is somehow poor comapred to windows enviroment which uses soundmax.

my sound card is sound max


It could be due to different reasons, dependent on what “poor” sound means. Can you be more explicit in describing what you mean by “poor” sound?

One thing that is important is do not move your volume controls too high. Keep them around 70% or so, as if you go higher you could driver your audio into distortion.

Another thing to note is sometimes for some users, it is necessary to go to YaST > Hardware > Sound > Other > Volume and move the master volume and PCM volume slider bars there to the right to about 75% or so, in order to have a decent volume.

Don’t forget to move your mixer master and PCM volume levels up to 75% or so. (KDE users use kmix, … I’m not a gnome user, but I believe gnome users use alsamixer ).

Note for the application vlc, one should keep the volume bar at around 15% or 20%, as any higher in that specific application (vlc) will cause distortion.

If you think this may be related to the linux audio driver functionality on your hardware, then we need more information to investigate. In such a case (if the above recommendations do not work for you), then to provide more information, then with your PC connected to the internet, please copy and paste the following into a gnome-terminal / konsole:

wget http://home.cfl.rr.com/infofiles/tsalsa && su -c 'bash ./tsalsa' 

when prompted for a password please enter your root password. Please try to accurately answer the question on the number of plugs/jacks on your PC (for example my PC has 3 i/o plugs/jacks). When the script completes it will pass you a URL. Please post that URL here.

Also, when providing more information, please also copy and paste the following, one line at a time, into a gnome-terminal or konsole and post the output here.
rpm -qa | grep alsa
rpm -qa | grep pulse
rpm -q libasound2
uname -a
cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound

Good luck.