Please suffer the noob: What is an "unregistered torrent"?

Please suffer this noobish question: What is an “unregistered torrent” and how do I fix this?
I’m trying to download 12.2 RC1. When I load the torrent into Ktorrent I get a stalled message and notice that this is an “unregistered torrent”.

I’ve been using it Ktorrent for several years with no trouble till now.
Both the 64 bit and 32 bit RC1 torrents return this.

Thanks in advance…

It looks like someone messed up.
I’ll report it

In the mean time you could use normal download methods or employ Kget

I’m so relieved. Thanks for the response.

BTW, nice little collection of TPs.
I spent last evening putting a 14.1 T61 back together that I got off of eBay. Cheers

Mailing list response

Use the trackerless (DHT) torrent, the swarms are active. Add webseeds
(from mirrorbrain mirror list for the file sans the filename path
element), use the metalinks or plain http download.

Same error for me - torrent is not registered

Could you please explain how to get working the torrent? Regular http/ftp will take ages up to RC2 release so I would like to pick up local peer to download faster

On 15/07/12 10:06, tosiara wrote:
> Same error for me - torrent is not registered
> caf4926;2474321 Wrote:
>> Mailing list response
> Could you please explain how to get working the torrent? Regular
> http/ftp will take ages up to RC2 release so I would like to pick up
> local peer to download faster

http should fetch it fine
And if you use a firefox addon like downthemall, you can stop/start it
kde users have kget