Please HELP. Recent updates broke my system.


I would be grateful if someone could help. The computer is practically unusable right now.

IMHO the best way is to ask here first for help (btw, not by putting “Please Help” in the title of the thread, these threads are for asking help, we all know that).

Then, after a discussion here, which maybe may even lead to a solution, the conclusion might be that filing a bug is needed (or not).

What do you suggest that members here will do?

Sorry about the explicit accent. I am just totally lost after these updates breaking my system as I cannot use it.

Then, after a discussion here, which maybe may even lead to a solution, the conclusion might be that filing a bug is needed (or not).

What do you suggest that members here will do?

I was hoping for advice from someone on how to “heal” the system. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.

A few questions;

  • Can you boot from grub to a previous kernel?
  • You do not seem to have the latest updates (f.ex. kernel 4.12.8) - can you boot a terminal mode and zypper ref ; zypper dup?

And in addition to Miuku’s suggestions, what about describing the symptoms here in the thread? Then we will have all in the thread and nobody needs to go additionally to bugzilla (which may lead to some people to not look at it at all, but go to an easier to understand thread).

@heyjoe How do you update your TW install ? Videocard involved ?
And, like the others already explain: Just putting a link to a bugreport here won’t help much.

[QUOTE=Miuku;2835863]A few questions;

  • Can you boot from grub to a previous kernel?
    Yes. I have 4.12.8-1 and 4.12.7-1, i.e. only current and one version before. After “the big update” (including 1222 package updates) and before yesterday’s update (which updated to 4.12.8) I had an older version too (perhaps 2 months old). Before running yesterday’s update I tried to boot into it but the same boot errors appeared and videos still couldn’t play, i.e. it didn’t resolve the issue at all.
  • You do not seem to have the latest updates (f.ex. kernel 4.12.8) - can you boot a terminal mode and zypper ref ; zypper dup?

I updated this morning running ‘zypper dup --no-allow-vendor-change’ as usual. And yes, I can boot in console mode.

[QUOTE=Knurpht;2835877]@heyjoe How do you update your TW install ? Videocard involved ?
And, like the others already explain: Just putting a link to a bugreport here won’t help much.[/QUOTE]

Alright, here is the full history of steps performed:

1. On 2017-08-19 I ran ‘zypper dup --no-allow-vendor-change’ and updated my Acer Travelmate 2410 which runs Tumbleweed. 1222 packages were updated. After rebooting I got the messages visible on this photo:

The system could boot in XFCE normally but I could not play any video in smplayer (including videos which previously played just fine). No error messages, the playing simply stops instantly (even a single frame doesn’t show).

Another issue which appeared: when accessed via SSH YaST interface started showing strange symbols (but they don’t appear when running console YaST on the laptop itself):

2. On 2017-08-26 I wanted to add another user to the system (just to test). After logging into XFCE and running YaST I entered the root password as it asked but the YaST window didn’t appear at all. No messages, nothing. So I went back to console yast and added a new user there. Then I tried to login in XFCE with it. Not only it doesn’t appear in the login dropdown but when trying to login XFCE says “Incorrect password, please try again” although I am 100% sure the password is correct.

**3. 2017-08-28

**Continuing further I noticed that the home folder of the test user was not created at all. I created it manually as root and tried to assign its proper ownership <username>:users. But then I received a message that such user does not exist. And when I went to yast (from console as the only option) I found that the user was not created at all. So I had to do it using regular console command which worked as expected. Obviously something in yast didn’t work as expected. Anyway I deleted the test user after that as I didn’t need it any more. So only my main user which I use regularly remained.

Today I decided to run zypper update again (zypper dup --no-allow-vendor-change as usual) hoping that things may have been fixed.

The result is:

Now I can’t even use XFCE normally. When I login I get an error window:

Unable to contact setting server
Failed to connect to socket /run/user/1000
bus: connection refused

I click the Close button after which the XFCE mouse logo appears and a clock mouse cursor. Then a blank XFCE desktop appears with a file manager window on it and another:

Unable to get connection to the message bus session
Failed to connect to socket /run/user/1000
bus: connection refused

I press Close, it appears one more time and after the second press of Close it disappears. But the XFCE system is practically unusable as neither the bar below appears nor anything else.

Meanwhile in an older bug report (which was related to similar video driver errors but which did not affect system usability) someone suggested that I paste a ‘journalctl -k’ so I am providing this just as up-to-date extra info is someone here may consider it useful:

Can anyone help please?

Unfortunately I do not have a solution for your problem but yesterday (or the day before?) they released a ton of updates - you definitely should dup now. (no allow is no longer needed, it’s the default on TW)

Make sure you have no locks; zypper ll

Are your permissions in place?

ls -l /run/user/1000

Thanks. Running it as I am typing this (637 packages updating)

This is really strange. I am getting:

#** ls -l /run/user/1000
ls: cannot access '/run/user/1000': No such file or directory

What might be the reason? (I am logged in as root right now, init 3 mode)

Unfortunately the advice from @V_idocq comes without any explication. :frowning:

The directory /run/user/1000 only exists if user with UID 1000 is loged in.
I also have no idea why that one should have the wrong owner and/or permissions. It is created dynamically on login. Whatever could be a reason for that going wrong?

After updating the situation is slightly better - I can log in to XFCE normally but the boot time errors remain and videos still don’t play. Yast still doesn’t work in XFCE.

I did not invent anything.
I’ve seen that down there that made a mistake about it

Unable to contact setting server
Failed to connect to socket /run/user/1000
bus: connection refused

I have to fight my ignorance in English …
I have that directory

ls -l /run/user/1000
totale 4
srw-rw-rw- 1 enziosavio users 0 30 ago 11.06 bus
drwx------ 2 enziosavio users 60 30 ago 11.06 dconf
drwx------ 2 enziosavio users 120 30 ago 11.06 gnupg
dr-x------ 2 enziosavio users 0 30 ago 11.06 gvfs
srw------- 1 enziosavio users 0 30 ago 11.06 kdeinit5__0
srw------- 1 enziosavio nogroup 0 30 ago 11.08 kdesud_:0
srwxr-xr-x 1 enziosavio users 0 30 ago 11.06 klauncherTJ1810.1.slave-socket
-rw-r–r-- 1 enziosavio users 83 30 ago 11.06 KSMserver__0
drwx------ 2 enziosavio users 100 30 ago 11.18 ksocket-enziosavio
drwx------ 2 enziosavio users 80 30 ago 11.07 pulse
drwxr-xr-x 3 enziosavio users 100 30 ago 11.06 systemd

Perhaps before latest update there was something causing an issue with /run/user/1000

I think I found something regarding video playing. I had ‘–vo=opengl’ in smplayer preferences (Advanced > MPlayer/mpv > Options). After removing it videos play.

I suppose something related to opengl may be broken in the updated driver or kernel?

Could you post your hardware specs?

For example whether you are using the Radeon, Intel or nVidia driver and if so are you using the open source version (nouveau? radeon?) or the proprietary (in case of nvidia)

This is Acer Travelmate 2410 with 2GB RAM. Specs:

‘journalctl -k’ output (from earlier post):

Let me know if you need any other info.