Pinta version stuck on 1.7.1

Is there any reason for Pinta being only 1.7.1 even though 2.1.2 is available on the page and from a flathub?

I’ve installed flatpak version for now. I’m just wondering why is there a such an old version on Tumbleweed.

Thanks for the answers

Because nobody touched this package in 3 years. It is still available from Tumbleweed only because it still builds without errors.

Either step in as package maintainer or find someone who is willing to do it for you.

There seems to be a building reason for it (possibly dotnet related?). A quick search didn’t show any actual rpm based distro which ships a higher version than 1.7.1

ALT Linux, Fedora, Mageia, openMandriva, openSUSE ship 1.7.1

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[   16s] checking for dotnet... no
[   16s] configure: error: No dotnet runtime found

Someone will need to test if replacing dotnet with mono (as in 1.7.1) would work.

Flatpak & Snap are available. Will packaged version bring any benefit?

DotNET is available for Leap. For TW - possibly via manual install.

IMHO developers have no interest in that niche software - we already have GIMP, Blender, etc.

Apart from running “zypper dup” for updating all packages probably not.