Pidgin: cannot open shared object file

In a terminal window:

XXXX@linux-7gca:~> pidgin
pidgin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
XXXX@linux-7gca:~> whereis

It looks to me like the file is there but not accessible but I admit that I am quite possibly misinterpreting what I see. I’m trying to figure out the problem, not just plug in the right line of code or change a setting in Yast without knowing why. I want to know what I’m doing. Thanks in advance to anyone who can assist me.

PurpleRainbow wrote:

> In a terminal window:
> XXXX@linux-7gca:~> pidgin
> pidgin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> XXXX@linux-7gca:~> whereis
> XXXX@linux-7gca:~>
> It looks to me like the file is there

The output of the “whereis” command says the contrary :-). If the file were
in your system, the output would say:

hpc02@stthpc:~> whereis /usr/lib/

So it seems the file should be located on /usr/lib/ (or
under /usr/lib64/ is using a 64 bits system).

> but not accessible but I admit
> that I am quite possibly misinterpreting what I see. I’m trying to
> figure out the problem, not just plug in the right line of code or
> change a setting in Yast without knowing why. I want to know what I’m
> doing. Thanks in advance to anyone who can assist me.

Check if the file is in the above path and if not, look if you have
installed the rpm that provides that file:

hpc02@stthpc:~> rpm -qa | grep glitz



Thank you! In the meantime, I discovered “zypper verify” and now I get the appropriate response to “whereis”:

whereis /usr/lib/

It also fixed my Firefox prob that was next on my list to tackle. Bonus! I now know that I am not using a 64 bit system so you’ve taught me something else I didn’t already know. Many thanks.

lol! In case anyone is interested, my Pidgin is online and functional. I’ve learned a few things along the way and hope to one day be able to help others as I’m being helped now.

PurpleRainbow wrote:

> lol! In case anyone is interested, my Pidgin is online and functional.
> I’ve learned a few things along the way and hope to one day be able to
> help others as I’m being helped now.

Glad all went o.k. and you got it working :slight_smile:

