pidgin 2.5.2 and SSL

Hi, i am returning to suse from Ubuntu (i worked 3 years with SuSE Enterprise Linux), now using opensuse 11.
I have a problem with Pidgin 2.5.2. It is not able to connect to the jabber server that i use (my company uses jabber as chat server) using TLS/SSL. I got the error: SSL Handshake error Failed. I installed pidgin 2.5.2 on windows and everythings works fine :’(. Then it looks like a TLS/SSL problem in linux port (gnutls ?).
A difference i could notice is about certificates. In windows the cert. was downloaded and installed. In linux that not happens.
I exported the cert. in windows and imported on linux… not difference.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks & Regards.