phonon vlc

When I install phonon-backend-vlc, and I use it in system settings, aplication as amarok dont work. I cant even start it. I want to change it back to xine ,but when I click in the system settings on Phonon, system setting crash. What should I do? thanks

                 When I install phonon-backend-vlc, and I use it in system settings,  aplication as amarok dont work. I cant even start it. I want to change  it back to xine ,but when I click in the system settings on Phonon,  system setting crash. What should I do? thanks                 

So you need to tell us more:

openSUSE Version, 11.3, 11.4 or 12.1
System Type: 32 or 64 bit
Desktop Used: GNOME, KDE etc…
Kernel Version, 2.6.34, 2.6.37, 3.0 or 3.1

In openSUSE 11.3, the default Backend is Xine. In openSUSE 11.4 & 12.1 its Gstreamer, SO why are you trying to make it phonon-backend-vlc by changing it from the default? You must be prepared to fix some issues on your own or switch back to the default.

Thank You,

opensuse 11.4, 64bit, KDE , kernel:
I want to use it, because the sound in VLC dont work good, for example when I watch .mkv, I heard nothing. With Gstreamer in amarok, I couldnt jump to the time in song which I want. WIth xine works everything good, but also the sound in mkv, dont work.

opensuse 11.4, 64bit, KDE , kernel:
I want to use it, because the sound in VLC dont work good, for example when I watch .mkv, I heard nothing. With Gstreamer in amarok, I couldnt jump to the time in song which I want. WIth xine works everything good, but also the sound in mkv, dont work.

I think you might be going about this issue incorrectly. I never say never because no one knows all hardware configurations and so your setup is always unique in some way or another. But, lets look at your software configuration. Now you have not posted many messages, so my take is that you are somewhat new and so forgive me if that is not the case. I always suggest you visit the following link and do some reading on the subject of restricted formats:

New User How To/FAQ (read only)

I happen to have a bash script that can be used to check out your multimedia setup you can find here:

MMCHECK - Version 2.35 - Check Your Multimedia in 16 Steps - Bash Script File - Blogs - openSUSE Forums

openSUSE uses pulse-audio and some users have reported success by disabling it. Many others say that using the application pavucontrol, known as the PulseAudio Volume Control can help find the issue. pavucontrol is installed with gnome, but does work in KDE. So, I would open YaST (Enter root user password) / Software / Software Management, search for pavucontrol and install it along with any other requirements. In the KDE menu you will then find it under Multimedia / Volume Control / PulseAudio Volume Control. I also have a bash script that might be helpful in checking out your sound card setup here:

S.T.A.R.T. - SuSE Terminal Audio Reporting Tool

So, lets see if any of this helps. I do suggest that to get back to normal, you would put GStreamer back as default. If changing this did not help, then putting it back to the default makes the most sense to me while trying to find the real problem.

Thank You,

I used MMCHECK , now everything is OK with the gstreamer now, thank you.

                                               I used MMCHECK , now everything is OK with the gstreamer now, thank you.                 

That is very good news pison1. Now do not hesitate to ask for more help on any issue. We are here to help. It is very hard to fix everything that might be a problem, but we are pretty good with the basics. And, if I have not said so before, welcome to the openSUSE forums.

Thank You,