Pgadmin4 install from Yast OK does not run

No problem installing but does not run from the link installed in the launcher. No indication of why not nothing happens!

Tried from the command line and get:

ian@localhost:/home> /usr/bin/pgAdmin4
QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
Semaphore name: “pgadmin4-ian-3ed67051214d25124b2c63f3117290d1-sema”
Shared memory segment name: “pgadmin4-ian-3ed67051214d25124b2c63f3117290d1-shmem”
Already running. Opening browser tab to: “” and exiting.
ian@localhost:/home> kf.kio.gui: “Could not find the program ‘%U’”

This isn’t helpful but I much prefer dbeaver these days as a one stop UI for various DB platforms

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