PCI Edimax EW-7711lN setup


I am (was) trying to setup my Edimax EW-7711lN PCI WiFi card. My original post is here, misplaced because my initial issue was the absence of development tools & libs.

That was solved but following the tutorial on this site. I know it says Ubuntu, but the method worked for me also on Mandriva and Fedora so I was thinking it would help in openSuse as well.

However, in openSuse I have no networking devices when I look in the list (not even a loopback interface or my onboard Realtek LAN). Could someone maybe help me in doing a proper installation (maybe help me with a change to that tutorial to make it work on openSuse?).


Please read the stickies and provide the information that is requested there.
Without the PCI IDs, we can do nothing.

We also need such basic information as the oS version, etc.

On 07/21/2011 06:53 PM, Larry Finger wrote:
> Please read the stickies

advised him (twice) to move to this forum and twice to read the stickies
(in http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=463119)

maybe i’m using invisible font.

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

On 07/21/2011 12:15 PM, DenverD wrote:
> On 07/21/2011 06:53 PM, Larry Finger wrote:
>> Please read the stickies
> advised him (twice) to move to this forum and twice to read the stickies (in
> http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=463119)
> maybe i’m using invisible font.

That must be the answer. :slight_smile:

Yep, very helpful posts indeed. I was trying the information required in the stickies when the following posts finally gave me the solution I really need it: find another distro and community.

@DenverD: please tell me how bothering to go out of your way to post an “already said so” is of any help? The issue I posted before was not a wireless specific thing, it was a general compilation issue and I didn’t post it to the Wireless forum because it’s not related to wi-fi, it was just a missing library issue, no need to move it to Wireless or read the Wireless stickies because my kernel build directory is missing. I had the same issue with all the other compilation attempt and it was an unrelated issue, the simple fact I illustrated it with that particular case of the Wifi driver install only means I chose a random example.

@lwfinger: thanks for the sarcasm, much appreciated, really helped make up my mind about this “community”.

I have no idea how to identify which of the dozen PCI devices listed from my PC is the WiFi card, since nothing is recognized as WiFi or LAN or anything else.

On 07/25/2011 08:56 AM, austerus wrote:
> Yep, very helpful posts indeed. I was trying the information required in
> the stickies when the following posts finally gave me the solution I
> really need it: find another distro and community.
> @DenverD: please tell me how bothering to go out of your way to post an
> “already said so” is of any help? The issue I posted before was not a
> wireless specific thing, it was a general compilation issue and I didn’t
> post it to the Wireless forum because it’s not related to wi-fi, it was
> just a missing library issue, no need to move it to Wireless or read the
> Wireless stickies because my kernel build directory is missing. I had
> the same issue with all the other compilation attempt and it was an
> unrelated issue, the simple fact I illustrated it with that particular
> case of the Wifi driver install only means I chose a random example.
> @lwfinger: thanks for the sarcasm, much appreciated, really helped make
> up my mind about this “community”.
> I have no idea how to identify which of the dozen PCI devices listed
> from my PC is the WiFi card, since nothing is recognized as WiFi or LAN
> or anything else.

If you post the shortened version provided by ‘/sbin/lspci -nn’, we will tell
which one is the wifi device.