
I have had encrypted 3 partitions during OpenSUSE 123 installation so I am requested to enter the same password 3 times in every startup to unlock the 3 partitions, this is right or not? How to do to enter password only one time to unlock the partitions instead of three?

On 2013-04-04 11:46, aususe wrote:
> I have had encrypted 3 partitions during OpenSUSE 123 installation so I
> am requested to enter the same password 3 times in every startup to
> unlock the 3 partitions, this is right or not? How to do to enter
> password only one time to unlock the partitions instead of three?

You have to use an encrypted LVM container, that inside has the
partitions you want to use. At least that is how YaST does it. Some
problems have been reported.

I was possible to do it with some manual tinkering with standalone
partitions before they implemented systemd and plymouth.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)

Actually plymouth is supposed to cache passphrase, so the first question would be - is plymouth in use at all?

I just tested without and with plymouth - and with plymouth I get just single passphrase request as long as passphrases are the same. Without plymouth I am prompted for every device indeed.

On 2013-04-04 14:06, arvidjaar wrote:
> arvidjaar;2544397 Wrote:
>> Actually plymouth is supposed to cache passphrase, so the first question
>> would be - is plymouth in use at all?
> I just tested without and with plymouth - and with plymouth I get just
> single passphrase request as long as passphrases are the same. Without
> plymouth I am prompted for every device indeed.

I had problems with plymouth in the past (pre 12.3) not asking for the
password at all. I got errors about the password not having been
entered, but there was no prompt at all where to enter it after the
system had booted.

I also had problems to enter the passphrase when the system booted in
text mode only (intentionally text mode).

I have not tested all this in 12.3 yet.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 12.1 x86_64 “Asparagus” at Telcontar)