Partition Information for Tumbleweed Installation.

… 08 May 2017.

To Whom it May Concern,

Soon, I’ll be installing the latest version of openSuSE Tumbleweed (Dated, 02 May 2017.) onto a brand new dedicated hard drive.

I have two questions concerning the custom partitioning portion of the initial installation of this Linux operating system.

My first question is, what should the Gib size of the “/” partition be?

The second question is, what should the Gib size of the “Swap” partition be?

The following is the background information.

  1. Purpose of this dedicated hard drive.

A. Participate is “” social news media platform.

B. Earn accumulate “Steem Dollars” crypto-currency.
…To include a software wallet.

  1. My prefered Linux operating system structure.

A. / --------- (? Gib size).

B. Swap — (? Gib size).

C. Home – (? Gib size).

  1. Western Digital hard drive information.

A. model ------------ black.

B. size -------------- one terrabyte.

C. max. speed ----- 7200 rpm.

D. cache ------------ 64 mb/mo.

  1. Motherboard information.

A. 32Bit/i386 architecture.

B. 4 Gigs of ddr dimm memory.

C. Intel Pentium 4 cpu, at 3.00 ghz speed.

I have reviewed three “” installation videos.

To include the detailed custom partitioning portion of the initial installation.

Other than the two questions that I’ve already asked, is there anything else I need to know?

Are there any further recommendations you can give me concerning this task?

… Thank You.

You posted in the wrong forum, will move to Install/Boot/Login. Temporarily closed

Post moved and re-opened.

root size depends on filesystem:
If you go default btrfs, suggest at least 60-Gig.

If you go ext4, I am long-time using 15-Gig, lots of stuff installed including media editing, only half full. So, 20-Gig would be plenty, IMHO.

Swap? Depends on lots of things, but…

If you want to hibernate, I suggest 2x installed RAM (or, if planning on more RAM in the future, 2x what you have planned).

Your drive is big enough, so you wouldn’t miss any.

To Administrator.

From Lleo72g.

My Apologies to you, for the mistake I’ve made.

Placing the new thread in the wrong forum.

Next, time I will pay closer attention to detail.

Thank you.

I support Fraser_Bell’ observations and advice.

But also, please note that the openSUE installer wiill offer you a partitioning. That offer is, when not the one you should take, at least a good starting point. You can change from there (or still throw it away and replace it with your own idea). Just try it. As long as you do not go to the next step in the installer (a warning that when you click your disk will now be overwritten!), nothing will be done to your system. You can always bail out and start anew.

Also take care that many people think that they must do the partitioning before they start the installer. This is wrong because partitioned space is no free space and thus the installer will not use those pre-configured partitions.

The amount you allow for / really depends one what software you load and probably which desktop / desktops as well as more than one cane be installed. There are catches associated with installing more than one so it could be best for the OP to forget that aspect for some time.

When I install I assume that I will be assembling some applications at some point and also install documentation that may be available plus development packages. Running kde with lxde installed plus a few bits of Gnome that I didn’t really want I am currently using 39GB in /. I use ext4.

On that basis in order to cover anything you might want to do I’d suggest 50GB for /. I happen to have 118GB available as / is on a separate drive. My /home is on another drive, 1TB in my case.

I haven’t used the partitioning in the install software for some time as when I upgrade I just import my existing one. I will have put my own data files that I may need in the future in a partition some where and then tell the installer to leave it alone. Of late it only tends to format what it needs to so didn’t need to change it’s decisions when I installed leap 42.2

So from memory the installer will default to suggesting a small partition for boot and leave the rest for / including home. So resize partition it’s suggesting for / to what ever you want and then add another mount point for /home. The installer may show some partitions as tmpfs. These are in ram and can just be left as they are.

The ability to be able to boot up a machine using a bootable iso can be useful at times in order to fix things that may be difficult to do while the machine is live. I use Knoppix for that. Not sure about others but it doesn’t support XFS or BTRFS formats so I would suggest using EXT4.

Once things are up and running it’s still possible to change the partitioning live but maybe not if you use BTRFS.

Given the machine you are using I would personally wonder if using KDE as the desktop was the best solution. I haven’t installed it on a machine like that so it would be better for some one else to comment.

:(Whoops forgot swap but the general idea above shows you how to deal with that. Reduce sizes to allow for the change if needed and adjust to suite.


… 09 May 2017.

To frasier_bell.

To hcvc.

To ajohnw.

From Lleo72g.

Thank you for your advice and recommendations.

I will implement them where I can.

Thank you very much.

just my 2¢
I don’t use swap imo swap is useless now days I haven’t used swap in years and had no issues.
the only reason to use swap is if that’s a laptop and you use suspend to disk (hibernation) suspend to RAM works better for me, I prefer to put my pc to sleep and I never liked hibernation especially on dual boot machines, hibernation completely ruined one of my disks
on systems with enough RAM no swap can drastically improve performance as the hdd is the slowest part in the chain, extensive swapping can wear off ssd’s, some users have a different opinion and relay on Swap
the lack of swap causes no issues for me.
about root I use 20GiB with ext4 I have a lot of applications installed (full plasma 5 plus all gtk libraries gimp etc) and have ~8Gib free I’d say ~30-40GiB is perfect for / when using ext4 or if you plan on using btrfs double that amount
when talking btrfs do not use btrfs on SSD’s as the extensive writes will wear off your disk on SSD’s use ext4 or xfs

To I_A.

From Lleo72g.

I will take your advice to heart.

Thank you very much.