For some time now i have been experiencing an intermittent issue with some panel widgets … namely ‘Window List’ and ‘Application Menu’ (the one based on cascading pop-up menus, which is my preferred out of the four choices of ‘application widgets’ available.)
The annoying behaviour is that they refuse to ‘pop up’ … remaining dormant when clicked upon. This has a great impact upon my workflow as i use both the ‘Window List’ and ‘Application Menu’ heavily to navigate across my four Monitors, four Desktops and five Activites … as can be imagined! There is just one instance of Panel … it resides across the bottom of my default Monitor. From memory i chose the ‘Default Panel’ when intially creating it … adding my own widgets, but i have since deleted it and tried the others … without success in flushing out this issue. :disapointed:
I have a similar environment on my laptop (obviously only one Monitor) … but it does not suffer from this affliction!! I gather that this issue then is to do with my Desktop installation, but i have deleted and recreated activites, panels and recycled to past system images, without being able to shake this behavioural anomaly!!
I would be indebt to anybody who can help me get rid of this annoyance and time wasting inconvence.
Thanks in advance.
As an addenedum: When this issue is active the behaviour is that when clicking on the widget the focus cycles between the widget and the last ative window … instead of poping up the Widge itself!!