Today found the Pacman Repo down, “No connection” error.
Went to Pacman project page and found all repos are supposed to be online so the problem appears to be the default server in Austria.
Replaced the servername “” with any of the other servers listed at
> Am curious whether a large distro like openSUSE should be using a load
> balancer / re-director instead of pointing all installs at particular
> mirrors.
openSUSE uses a load balancer. Pacman doesn’t belong to openSUSE, it is
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
For anyone that hates it when the Packman Repositories go down, there is another way to keep your Packman Fix close to home. Create your own local repositories. You can point your computer to the local source and update Your Local Repository when you have the time. Further, its possible to share this repository with other computers on your local network. Step one is to download and create your own local repository with Packman. Find the bash script here:
This is what it looks like for openSUSE 12.1 and I normally suggest breaking up the repository into its four sections to reduce the time to create or update each section.