i would like to build koffice from the svn repository, it seem to need kdelibs4-devel…
i don’t find it in any opensuse repository
does somebody know where to get it?
i would like to build koffice from the svn repository, it seem to need kdelibs4-devel…
i don’t find it in any opensuse repository
does somebody know where to get it?
On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 21:36:04 GMT
collinm <collinm@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> hi
> i would like to build koffice from the svn repository, it seem to need
> kdelibs4-devel…
> i don’t find it in any opensuse repository
> does somebody know where to get it?
> thanks
You might try ‘libkde4-devel’ (weird, huh?)
Also, are you aware that koffice is available through YaST (koffice2)?
Rather than compiling from source, that is.
L R Nix
will check for libkde4-devel…
i compiling from source because i would like to begin to contribute to this project…
I have never used it but, “zypper -v source-install -d koffice2” (after adding a OBS repo with koffice2) should install everything needed to compile it.
On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 11:46:03 GMT
collinm <collinm@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> lornix;1859338 Wrote:
> > On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 21:36:04 GMT
> > You might try ‘libkde4-devel’ (weird, huh?)
> >
> > Also, are you aware that koffice is available through YaST (koffice2)?
> > Rather than compiling from source, that is.
> >
> will check for libkde4-devel…
> i compiling from source because i would like to begin to contribute to
> this project…
{Chuckle} Awful big project to jump into and start with.
No worries… just an observation.
L R Nix
i was finaly able to build koffice…
now i try to start kword…
message i get
collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> ./kword
findServiceByDesktopPath: kwordpart.desktop not found
findServiceByDesktopPath: Office/kword.desktop not found
kword(32352)/koffice (lib komain): "kword" part.desktop not found.
kword(32352)/koffice (lib komain): Run 'kde4-config --path services' to see which directories were searched, assuming kde startup had the same environment as your current shell.
kword(32352)/koffice (lib komain): Check your installation (did you install KOffice in a different prefix than KDE, without adding the prefix to /etc/kderc ?)
collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> kde4-config --path services
i tried
collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> export KDEDIRS=$KDEDIRS:/home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build
collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> export PATH=$PATH:/home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/bin
i get the same problem
any idea?
On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 13:26:03 GMT
RedDwarf <RedDwarf@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> I have never used it but, “zypper -v source-install -d koffice2” (after
> adding a OBS repo with koffice2) should install everything needed to
> compile it.
Works great… unless you forgot to tell the downloader/installer that it
installs into the /usr/src/packages tree.
It makes VERY good sense after you get used to how it works, but very
frustrating since you installed something… now where did it go?
(my main machine currently has 2.4TB of storage, 558208 files and 55630
subdirectories. I misplaced an 80GB hard drive image once.)
AND it adds a bunch of confusion, as all of the openSUSE patches are next to
the requested packages. Not impossible, but surely daunting to see the first
100 times or so. (scared me for a while)
Certainly not saying it’s not “the right thing to do”… just that if you’re
relatively new to source code, it’s scary.
L R Nix
On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 19:36:03 GMT
collinm <collinm@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> i was finaly able to build koffice…
> now i try to start kword…
> message i get
> Code:
> --------------------
> collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> ./kword
> findServiceByDesktopPath: kwordpart.desktop not found
> findServiceByDesktopPath: Office/kword.desktop not found
> kword(32352)/koffice (lib komain): “kword” part.desktop not found.
> kword(32352)/koffice (lib komain): Run ‘kde4-config --path services’ to
> see which directories were searched, assuming kde startup had the same
> environment as your current shell. kword(32352)/koffice (lib komain): Check
> your installation (did you install KOffice in a different prefix than KDE,
> without adding the prefix to /etc/kderc ?)
> collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> kde4-config --path
> services /home/collinm/.kde4/share/kde4/services/:/usr/share/kde4/services/
> --------------------
> i tried
> Code:
> --------------------
> collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> export
> KDEDIRS=$KDEDIRS:/home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build
> collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> export
> PATH=$PATH:/home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/bin
> --------------------
> i get the same problem
> any idea?
Many programs will not work unless many sub-units are installed into the
proper places.
sudo make install
to force the program to be installed and all the little ‘bits’ to be put into
Then try again. Should work better.
L R Nix
i done kbuildsycoca4…
tried to start kword
and get libkwordpart not found
libkwordpart is on my system…
linux-02tg:/home/collinm # locate libkwordpart
collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> kbuildsycoca4
kbuildsycoca4 running...
kbuildsycoca4(3552) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/share/applications/yast2-metapackage-handler-ymu.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).
kbuildsycoca4(3552) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/share/applications/realplay.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).
kbuildsycoca4(3552) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Categories in "/home/collinm/.local/share/applications/netbeans-6.1.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).
kbuildsycoca4(3552)/kdecore (KService) KBuildServiceFactory::collectInheritedServices: parent mimetype not found: "text/xml"
kbuildsycoca4(3552)/kdecore (KService) KBuildServiceFactory::collectInheritedServices: parent mimetype not found: "text/xml"
collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> ./kword
kword(3564)/koffice (lib komain) KoDocument::readNativeService: "kwordpart.desktop" found.
kword(3564)/koffice (lib komain) KoDocumentEntry::createDoc: "Library "libkwordpart" not found"
collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KDEDIR/lib:$QTDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
collinm@linux-02tg:~/Developpement/koffice-build/bin> ./kword
kword(4319)/koffice (lib komain) KoDocument::readNativeService: "kwordpart.desktop" found.
kword(4319)/koffice (lib komain) KoDocumentEntry::createDoc: "Library "libkwordpart" not found"
On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 20:26:03 GMT
collinm <collinm@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> i done kbuildsycoca4…
> tried to start kword
> and get libkwordpart not found
> libkwordpart is on my system…
> Code:
> --------------------
> linux-02tg:/home/collinm # locate libkwordpart
> /home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/kword/part/CMakeFiles/CMakeRelink.dir/libkwordpart.so
> /home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/lib/kde4/libkwordpart.so
> /home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/lib/libkwordpart.so
> --------------------
No. It’s not. It is in your home directory… it’s not in the proper
place in the system directory hierarchy to be automatically found and used.
Another thing to note is that ‘locate’ uses a database which is only updated
ONCE a day. any changes you make to the files on the disk will not be
reflected until the following day. A better way to search for files on the
disk would be to use ‘find’:
find . -iname “libkwordpart*”
means find, from here (.), anything with a filename which starts with
‘libkwordpart’ (notice the asterisk (the star thingy) )
find / -iname “libkwordpart*”
which will search the ENTIRE system to find matches. This can take a while.
After the libkwordpart.so library is installed in the proper place, you’ll
need to run ‘ldconfig’ as root to update the library indexes.
L R Nix
is there a way to keep the library where is it now?
what i need to do to ?
i runned updatedb before doing the locate…
collinm@linux-02tg:~> export PATH=$PATH:/home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/bin
collinm@linux-02tg:~> export KDEDIRS=$KDEDIRS:/home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build
same problem
On Thu, 21 Aug 2008 17:46:01 GMT
collinm <collinm@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> > > tried to start kword
> > >
> > > and get libkwordpart not found
> > >
> > > libkwordpart is on my system…
> > >
> > >
> > > Code:
> > > --------------------
> > > linux-02tg:/home/collinm # locate libkwordpart
> > >
> > /home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/kword/part/CMakeFiles/CMakeRelink.dir/libkwordpart.so
> > > /home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/lib/kde4/libkwordpart.so
> > > /home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/lib/libkwordpart.so
> > >
> > > --------------------
> >
> > No. It’s not. It is in your home directory… it’s not in the proper
> > place in the system directory hierarchy to be automatically found and
> > used.
> >
> is there a way to keep the library where is it now?
> what i need to do to ?
You could use the LD_PRELOAD command, or
add /home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/lib to the system library
search path.
So, two methods:
====1. You can use the LD_PRELOAD option to specify which libraries to load,
you’ll need to type this before EVERY test of kword
LD_PRELOAD=/home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/lib/kde4/libkwordpart.so ./kword
====2. You can add the subdirectory where the libraries are located to the
system library search paths:
echo “/home/collinm/Developpement/koffice-build/lib”
> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/collinm
(that was all on one line, you’ll need to be root to execute it)
then run
to update the system library indexes.
==== Either way works, method 2 is easier overall, but you may forget to
remove the path in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/collinm later and the system will
likely complain when it rebuilds the library indexes. Don’t forget to
delete /etc/ld.so.conf.d/collinm when you’re doing playing with
L R Nix
same problem with both method… surely the problem is another place…
On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 18:46:01 GMT
collinm <collinm@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:
> same problem with both method… surely the problem is another place…
> anyway
You could actually just type ‘make install’ and have the libraries put in
the proper places. That would solve many problems you’re going to have.
L R Nix