OS Freezing

Hi All,

Been using OS since 10.1 and never had any serious problems with it but ive got a really annoying problem which i think other people have had

OS will just randomly freeze,Im able to move the cursor on screen but carn’t click on anything, resulting in me having to restart the laptop

My Laptop is a Lenovo R61i with intel graphics card which i believe is where the problem lies

does anybody know of a fix for this intel graphics freezing problem? as its really getting to me now

just to add that #lspci produces:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)

I have a R61

I works flawlessly
And I have to say this is the most Linux friendly Laptop I have
Same Intel chip

you running Mint on it or OS?

this laptop has worked great out of the box since 10.1 but when i moved to 11.2 internal bluetooth stopped working and now this problem with 11.3

Well I have openSUSE 11.4 M2
But prior to that 11.3 and 11.2

But yes I have Mint-Debian too

I use this Laptop to play with. No install has been troublesome on this machine. It’s flippi’n awesome.

Anybody got any known fixes or anything i can try? its doing my head in now

Have you tried with and without desktop effects
Have you tried other desktops: Eg Gnome?

Somtimes it can be a graphic issue. try getting a proprietary driver or update your graphics driver. I had the same problem, sometimes updating the bios can help too.