OS 11 - no mp3 preview in konqueror

As in title…what packages are needed to enable mp3 preview in konqueror?

  • Beyo wrote, On 08/03/2008 04:46 PM:
    > As in title…what packages are needed to enable mp3 preview in
    > konqueror?

Should be there by default.
Sound files


I’ve checked twice , but still doesn’t work…:frowning:

i’ve just tryed it but i right clicked the mp3 and then selected preview in netscape plugin viewer then it started playing the song im using kde 4.1 though will try 3.5.9 in a bit

On 08/04/2008 Beyo wrote:
> I’ve checked twice , but still doesn’t work…:frowning:

Can’t get it to work on my 11.0 box either. It seems to be a problem others have too, not only on Opensuse, according to Google :frowning:


I have been messing with this also. And have been unable to figure it out. :frowning:
I thought it might have been the Netscape plug in.
In older versions you could right click and on preview with… you would have other options.
Netscape plug-in
Does anyone know how you would add other options for preview?

It looks OpenSuse 11 is not good solution for laptops…

Why? Because of no mp3 sound preview? … (I happen to strongly dislike that feature, and am glad it takes extra effort to implement).