Ops 11 fails to install on dell 640m

Try to install with DVD without sucess !!!
Try to install with activating additionnal rep: begin install and stop at 2%

Installation of package ./rpm/i586:kernel-pae- failed

subprocess failed. Error. Echec RPM: Free disk space below /boot: 24237184 blocks

fdisk -l

sda6 swap       4Go
sda7 /boot etx3 14Go
sda8 /home etx3 20Go

Grub is correctly installed and i can already boot on Xp but due to failed during installation i can try OpenSuse :frowning:

Need some Help !

did you run the media check from the dvd?

yes and all it’s all right !

Have you tried the repair system from the dvd?

Sorry i think i don’t understand last question !
I thought that the burn check

I’ve run the media check on DVD and it fail :frowning:

I use Nero to burn in disc-at-once and i’ve download via torrent “openSUSE-11.0-DVD-i386.iso”.

I seen md5 and cannot have same !
I’ve download four times the iso…

Oups, it’s the soft i use to give md5 that F… me
I use simple md5 and all it’s all right.
Problem is the curn process…

I try on RW :slight_smile: