opera without java

next lion:

i have opera 10.10 and i tried to install java to access some banking in so many ways i got a headache: i uninstalled java, reinstalled it, uninstalled openjdk, reinstalled opera, enabled plugins, enabled java at the opera:config and opera:plugin, put the path to the plugin on the advanced tab…besides i found the answers at this forum are about the same in the opera forum; i did all i understand from them, and now i’m lost

what else can i do? did i do something wrong?

Refresh us on what version of openSUSE you have.

Try setting java up like this:
Installing 32-bit Java the Yast way - openSUSE Forums

i’m at 64 bits opensuse 11.2

i made a symbolik link to what i believe to be the correct file (libjava.so) in the /usr/lib64/browser-plugins but it didn’t work…also i made it to /usr/lib/browser-plugins, with no results

no idea what could be missing, i followed the link you gave the same way…

Java works for me on _64
But I know some users have experienced issues, particularly using Opera. But there is no Black magic in getting it to work. I just suggest switching from JDK to Sun. Ignore the 32 bit side of things, just look at the package changes and match up with _64 versions.

Post a http link to the page you are having issue with if you like, or PM me with it. I’ll take a look.

mr rune wrote:

> i tried to install java to access some banking
> in so many ways

banks are tough…go to the bank site and see what they require for
java, and see if they have any info on how to use their bank with
Linux, or Mac…

use the forums advanced search function to seek out other post here on
trouble with banking software…

for example: i found it totally impossible to use a particular bank
unless i was willing to use MS software, there was NO other way…so,
i changed banks…now i have one which works with Linux…

you may have to do the same…talk to your bank’s IT department,
chances are they have Linux running all their banking software (except
for the dumb terminals on every desk in the front office…perhaps the
geeks in the back know how…

or, contact your closest Linux User Group, it was that way that i
found which banks in this country work with Linux, and which do
not…see: http://www.linux.org/groups/

good luck, it IS difficult: all banks seem to want to, in the name of
security, force their customers to use the least secure software on
the planet.

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

I had the same problem. Read my post Java crashes in Opera - openSUSE Forums

ionmich I had the same problem. Read my post Java crashes in Opera - openSUSE Forums

unsucessfully :frowning:

DenverD mr rune wrote:

> i tried to install java to access some banking
> in so many ways

banks are tough…go to the bank site and see what they require for
java, and see if they have any info on how to use their bank with
Linux, or Mac…

use the forums advanced search function to seek out other post here on
trouble with banking software…

for example: i found it totally impossible to use a particular bank
unless i was willing to use MS software, there was NO other way…so,
i changed banks…now i have one which works with Linux…

you may have to do the same…talk to your bank’s IT department,
chances are they have Linux running all their banking software (except
for the dumb terminals on every desk in the front office…perhaps the
geeks in the back know how…

or, contact your closest Linux User Group, it was that way that i
found which banks in this country work with Linux, and which do
not…see: Linux Online - User Groups

good luck, it IS difficult: all banks seem to want to, in the name of
security, force their customers to use the least secure software on
the planet.

java works on firefox here…but i don´t want to use it because opera is much faster; i use a government bank that approve only IE and mozzila and don´t feel responsive to any other choices (safari, opera and others are at your own luck)

i´m gonna try a call to the customer service, maybe another solution

caf4926 Java works for me on _64
But I know some users have experienced issues, particularly using Opera. But there is no Black magic in getting it to work. I just suggest switching from JDK to Sun. Ignore the 32 bit side of things, just look at the package changes and match up with _64 versions.

Post a http link to the page you are having issue with if you like, or PM me with it. I’ll take a look.

i figured it and did the changes, with sun and jdk, for no results

here is the link https://www2.bancobrasil.com.br/aapf/login.jsp?aapf.IDH=sim&perfil=1

I had a look at that site.
It’s horrible beyond belief !
Words can’t express it



man you make me laugh at my own disgrace :slight_smile:

well, it’s the bank’s site…my only choice for now

i’ll have to wait until monday to try to solve the problem via phone…changing the bank is getting my mind, though i still think it’s a very extreme attitude, without taking in consideration other factors (taxes, fees, etc)

in the meanwhile, i won’t do any more changes to what i already done, if you have any ideas i hadn’t before, please share

mr rune wrote:
> java works on firefox here…but i don´t want to use it because opera
> is much faster

if firefox works with the bank then use it! and use opera for
everything else…

i have more than one bank account, i must use opera on one, firefox on
another, and konqueror on a third…

it is not possible for me to use one for all…

hence, what i have often said here: Use what works.

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

mr rune wrote:
> here is the link
> https://www2.bancobrasil.com.br/aapf/login.jsp?aapf.IDH=sim&perfil=1

YOW! that link KILLED my firefox and made it disappear!! that is, i
got the popup asking if i would allow the java app to run, i clicked
yes and moments later firefox folded up and went away…

in Opera and Konqueror, i got the request to allow the java app, said
yes, waited a little and was presented with a log in page…i GUESS
that is what this is: http://www.imagebam.com/image/975c7d82423384

btw, Opera processed all java certificates with one yes click…but,
konqueror gave the choice to say yes once or once for each
certificate, and there were about 10 or 15!!

yep, tried again: it murders my firefox! this time before the java
popup appeared…

while the least secure browser on the planet (IE6, running as
IEs4Linux) very quickly pops up a page (saying, i need to install
the bank’s Self-Service BB Internet Security Module)…

junk site programming!!

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

DenverD mr rune wrote:
> here is the link
> https://www2.bancobrasil.com.br/aapf...H=sim&perfil=1

YOW! that link KILLED my firefox and made it disappear!! that is, i
got the popup asking if i would allow the java app to run, i clicked
yes and moments later firefox folded up and went away…

this NEVER happened to me in any OS or browser

in Opera and Konqueror, i got the request to allow the java app, said
yes, waited a little and was presented with a log in page…i GUESS
that is what this is: ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing

yes, this is what should appear…unfortunately, here opera don’t even execute the java applet…it tries to verify the “security Solution” from the bank for ever and ever, and after about 1~2min it returns a message: wasn’t possible to verify the security solution because java isn’t installed, and a link to download java

then at this point i have 2 problems: Java IS installed, according with yast2, without version conflict, etc; i don’t know if i made the symbolik link to the right place, or from the right file (made maybe 5 links to different places i guessed could be the right)

mr rune wrote:
> then at this point i have 2 problems: Java IS installed, according with
> yast2, without version conflict, etc; i don’t know if i made the
> symbolik link to the right place, or from the right file (made maybe 5
> links to different places i guessed could be the right)

read all the way to the bottom before doing anything:

well, i don’t wanna go back and read all in this thread to see if you
were ever asked: How did you install the java plugin [not just java,
but the java browser plug in], and how did you install Opera?

i ask, because if you installed with YaST it should automatically
put everything it is right place, and you don’t have to fool around
with any links…NONE!

see here: http://en.opensuse.org/Installing_Sun’s_Java_on_SUSE_Linux
you only need to correctly follow the very short (four steps)
beginning at “Installing Java through YaST” including the part that
says: Don’t forget to install java-1_6_0-sun-plugin if you want Java
support for your browser.

and all should be wonderful (expect: i have NO idea where all you have
already put “SUN java”, “other java” and links to things…

if it were my machine and i had installed ‘java’ via RPMs i would use
the rpm command to uninstall it all…or, if i had used YaST and then
peppered links here and there, i would go back and find all of those
links and delete them, then use YaST to delete all java, and then use
YaST following the above wiki instructions…

AND, did you install opera with YaST? if not, remove it the way you
installed it and then do it with YaST…

BUT, i would make sure i had only these four repos enabled: oss,
non-oss, update and packman…

ah! now i see you have 64 bit…well, that is your choice and is
probably a complicating choice…ymmv, but if the above does not give
you a working java in opera, i would install a 32 bit opera and 32 bit

but, that is just me…in my opinion the still flaky 64 comes nowhere
near making up for whatever performance advantage which might be
imagined by the average desktop user…(see, if you have a million
line database or routinely process huge photo/music/movie files, or do
a LOT of compiling of software, then you probably are gettin’ your
moneys worth for the extra effort it takes to get 64
sweet…otherwise, you loose more time fiddling to make it work (it,
being like 64 bit java) than you will save)…

do not make any changes to your system until you have read the below

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

i went to yast, typed “java”, then marked all the itens to uninstall; when accepted, some itens needed for openoffice cause some kind of conflict, and i chose to let them installed (rhino, xerce and others); also a pacrunner item was marked for install
after the uninstall occurred well, i rebooted the system, and went to yast again, typed “sun” and install sun_java_1.6.0 and sun_javaplugin (only two itens); after this, i rebooted again and still got no results

i called to the bank, and the attendant said (between some bullshit)to choose another browser lol :stuck_out_tongue:

i use 64bit because my note came with w7 64bit pre-installed, wich i use with opera 10.5 just perfectly, if i knew it would cause this problem, i’d sure switch to 32bit…but since some people here in this forum had managed to make it work under the same conditions, i don’t see any reason to keep on trying

i don’t do any heavy tasks as you said, just watch movies, listen music and payments…of course i don’t need 64bit but i already used to at w7…then again, why not try? :slight_smile:

i’ll keep on trying, do some experiments…maybe this time i learn to use that terminal thing efficiently

I don’t really think it’s anything to do with 32/64 bit. I use both an have identical experiences with both.
And FYI _64 is far better implemented in Linux than in windows. The Firefox brows for Eg; In winders is only available in 32 bit IIRC.

As has been suggested, just use what works. So if Opera doesn’t, use what does.

well, that’s ok

i don’t have any files in the linux partition, so i’ll reinstall opensuse, and try it from a clean instalation

since the problem with ktorrent have returned i’ll don’t even bother all of you with all this trouble

i’ll be back :wink:

OK _ See you around

YES ! Here is the way as it worked for me:

1-uninstall opera

2-install opera from the official site (after this, when i ran it, appears the validate log in screen at the bank’s site, a good sign) tough it still misses java

3-uninstall sun java: when doing this, yast offers to install the openjdk version, i accepted, empty of hope

4-after step 3, i tried again and…bingo ! it entered the site normally !

I believe the problem could be: the opera from the repository, the sun java, or incompatibility between both; besides that, the test at the java site points that my version is outdated (java 6 update 17) and recommends the update 20: i’ll skip it as much as i can, after all this fight lol:)

I too have found that a manual install of Opera can be helpful at times.
Thanks for posting back.