openvpn via maquarading host.

Hi all,

I’m trying to setup openvpn between a machine on my home lan and my machine at work.
My home lan has an OpenSuSE Leap 15.3 gateway box doing routing and maquarading. This is running firewalld, and the firewall rules look ok.

The gateway box has two interfaces the internal on eth0 and the external on ppp0.

I have checked that I can successfully setup the OpenVPN link between two machines on my internal network, and this works fine, even if one of these is the gateway.
I have checked that I can successfully setup the OpenVPN link between two machines on my work network, so I know that there’s nothing preventing things happening that end.

However trying to establish the link between my home and work network results in a failed connection.

On further investigation with netcat**, as far as I can tell the udp packets are not getting off my home network through the masquaradeing box.

** netcat test:
nc -ul 1194 on the server
nc -u server.address 1194 on the client
Type on client and see if it comes out on server.

Any idea what I can do to fix this? Please prompt if any further information is needed.



Hopefully others will reply on openVPN, but maybe wireguard (wireguard-tools) is an option?

Check that the firewall and routing (including IP forwarding) have been set up appropriately…

(Section 8. Enabling IP Forwarding and Routing)

What makes you think it is the client issue in the first place? Have you verified that server is reachable from Internet on this port?