openSUSE won't start after patch...

Hey! I just got my internet going on openSUSE, and so I did a hole bunch of updates. Now openSUSE won’t start unless in Failsafe. What should I do?
Thank you!

It’s almost to the login screen when it just plain stops… No error or anything! Just a black screen… Also, Windows 7 boots, and runs just fine…

Hey! I just got my internet going on openSUSE, and so I did a hole bunch of updates. Now openSUSE won’t start unless in Failsafe. What should I do?
Thank you!
The most common problem is video. If you look at the difference between the normal load and failsafe load, one standout is the kernel load option nomodeset. If you can enter nomodeset only as the only added option to the normal kernel load and it works, then it is a video issue. You need to tell us more about your openSUSE installation and computer type including info on your video system. For video issues, one should always read the following information.

SDB:Configuring graphics cards - openSUSE

Thank You,

Ok, thanks! How do I do that? (Sorry, I’m pretty much a linux newbie… And a just got openSUSE!) I just built my system about 2 months ago.

ASUS motherboard (I forgot which one. If you really need I can find it for you!)
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Thuban 2.8GHz
ATI 5670
OCZ 700 watt PSU

If you need anything else just let me know!

Also, your posts suggest this was fine until the update, Is this correct? And what openSUSE version, 11,2 or 11.3 or other, 32 or 64 bit?

Ops, never mind about telling me how to run “nomodeset” I figured it out! (thanks to clicking on the link, duh) But, I still get the same thing… Anything else?

I am running openSUSE 11.3 64 bit. Yes, my system was running just fine till the update

When you start your computer, the grub boot loader starts and displays your menu.lst file. You can use your up/down arrows to select the openSUSE kernel to load and press enter. Before you press the enter key on the normal openSUSE startup (not failsafe), just type in nomodeset and then press enter. That is it.

Thank You,

Yeah, I did… Same thing…

If failsafe works you probably need to reinstall the video drivers since the kernel was probably updated.

If that’s the case here - and you did updated the kernel sources as well - just installing and enabling this service and rebooting should do it: automatically recompile kernel modules after kernel update

But running /usr/bin/ should do it too (if we’re talking about the ATI proprietary driver).

Ok, I am trying to update my drivers right now… I’ll let you guys know!

Ok, so I installed my drivers, and rebooted, and guess what! Now KDE won’t start! So no more black screen, it starts up normaly, then it’s almost to the login screen, and then it’s just like temnal. It says “login” so I logged in, then it says “Have a lot of fun!” and then you can type in commands and stuff just like termnal.

It looks like runlevel 3 (console mode). Login as user and type startx and tell us what happends.


Ok, it gives me this long error…

Do you need the whole thing? It’s like 1 FULL page long…

Yep but use CODE tags!

Are those these things < > ??? Sorry, not really sure what you mean… I’m kinda a newbie to these things!


your text ....


You can also click on “Go advanced” to view the advanced toolbar, select your text and click on the # icon.