Opensuse update

I can’t find my original post on this however I finally upgraded from 12.1 to 13.2 via DVD. Everything appears to have gone smoothly so far. WIFI, Printing etc all worked from the getgo. Alas proprietary graphics is no longer possible form my ATI HD2500 laptop card which is a bit of a bummer. I need to spend some time getting the opensource radeon configured properly so that my resolution etc works well. So congrats to the openSuse team

Only thing I am having problems with is the graphical version of Yast. It doesn’t seem to like my root password. I can use my root password in terminal windows, and in the terminal version of Yast. It just won’t let me into the Graphical version. Which makes configuring somethings a headache. Any suggestions?

Normally you shouldn’t have to configure anything. The radeon driver should automatically detect your monitor’s preferred resolution and use it.

Can you please post /var/log/Xorg.0.log to check that radeon is actually in use?
Maybe you still have a “nomodeset” at the kernel command line or something like that, preventing the driver from working…

Only thing I am having problems with is the graphical version of Yast. It doesn’t seem to like my root password. I can use my root password in terminal windows, and in the terminal version of Yast. It just won’t let me into the Graphical version. Which makes configuring somethings a headache.

Probably the problem is not the password, maybe the graphical YaST just crashes on startup?
Can you please post the last lines of /var/log/YaST2/y2log after you tried to start it again?

sudo tail /var/log/YaST2/y2log

And verify that the packages libyui-qt6 and libyui-qt-pkg6 are installed. If they are missing (might happen on such a version jump, you might even still have the old ones installed), YaST Qt won’t start.

zypper se -s libyui

Thanks for the help to all responders, and sorry about the delay in responding.

When I look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and Xorg.0.log, it appears as though vboxvideo is being used. No mention of radeon anywhere. I presume I need to make changes to xorg.conf?

Here is the trace from the failed Yast start

2015-01-17 00:01:26 <1> [ui] Guessing button role YCancelButton for YPushButton “Abort” at 0x7f2ff0004a10 from function key F9
2015-01-17 00:01:26 <1> [ui] Guessing button role YOKButton for YPushButton “Next” at 0x7f2ff0005240 from function key F10
2015-01-17 00:01:34 <1> [ui] Guessing button role YOKButton for YPushButton “Close” at 0x7f2ff0005240 from function key F10
2015-01-17 00:01:34 <2> [ncurses] PadWidget not yet created
2015-01-17 00:01:54 <1> [ncurses] Opening item Display
2015-01-17 00:01:55 <1> [ncurses] Opening item RV630 [Mobility Radeon HD 2600]
2015-01-17 00:02:15 <1> [ncurses] Opening item Drivers
2015-01-17 00:02:34 <3> [ncurses] /sbin/yast hwinfo >&2 returned:1
2015-01-17 00:02:34 <1> [ncurses] isatty(stderr)yes
2015-01-17 00:02:34 <1> [ncurses] isatty(stdout)yes

A quick check shows that the correct qt libraries are installed.

Your help on both the YAST and Radeon issues is appreaciated.


It sounds like you’re running openSUSE as a guest in a virtualbox machine. If this is the case, the better place to post this would be in the Virtualization forum on this site. On a side note, if this is actually the case, the guest OS will always use the vboxvideo driver, and not a real-world driver such as the radeon or nvidia driver.

Has the selection of keyboard used at gui level been verified?

ok, This is quite strange then. Certainly it was never my intention to run in a virtualbox machine. I certainly don’t recall ever selecting that configuration. Is there anyway to undo the damage or do I just have to do a cleansheet install at this point?

You can’t do that accidentally.
You have to install Virtualbox, create a VM, add the installation medium and boot the VM.

And it would run in a window on your system, so you’d definitely notice that too.

Is there anyway to undo the damage or do I just have to do a cleansheet install at this point?

Maybe you should post exact information for a start.

When I look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and Xorg.0.log, it appears as though vboxvideo is being used. No mention of radeon anywhere. I presume I need to make changes to xorg.conf?

Please post exactly what you see, not what you think it means.
If you are running on real hardware, vboxvideo is definitely not being used. Xorg might try to load it though, in particular if you are booting to recovery mode. And if you do that it also explains why radeon is not being used.

So, please, post the Xorg.0.log to stop people from having to guess.
And no, normally there should not be a need to change xorg.conf. radeon should be loaded automatically if you have a Radeon card (as I wrote already).
xorg.conf is a thing of the (ancient) past.

Let me be quite clear. I did note boot the VM, nor did I install Virtualbox to my knowledge in 13.2. I did have it in my 12.1 install however I performed my installation straight from the DVD at boot time, not via the VM and the associated installation medium.

I will do a clean install since clearly something has been messed up.

It wasn’t me who suggested you are running openSUSE in a VM.

But you seemed to raise concerns that you might do that by mistake, and I wanted to clear that up.

I will do a clean install since clearly something has been messed up.

Why don’t you just post Xorg.0.log, then we would see what (if anything) is messed up.

A clear installation might help, or it might not, depending what is the cause of your problem.