openSUSE Tumbleweed: Happy Holidays

Merry X-Max everyone !
And happy holidays



Merry Christmas everyone!!


Merry Christmas, Merry Grav-Mas, and Happy Winter-een-mas to all!

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Happy Holidays, and thanks to all here who helped me with my various tumbleweed and brief foray into aeon problems, plus other extraneous items(admin).

Thanks additionally for pointing to particularly relevant information, esp. since I also had other entirely non opensuse items that some people assisted with, e.g. RISC-V visionfive2, bu the time that I hooked up UART next day it just booted up fine again, but still, the moral support was appreciated.

Lastly, Tumbleweed for making me reconsider rolling release distros. This is the first one in a while that I have not had a problem with, and BTRFS seems to be usable although I have not tried out snapshotting yet, which I probably should do even w/o any problems.

Why DID I WANT a ROLLING distro? Let’s say I have AMD x670e chipset, I have AMD zen4 CPU, AND I have Intel ARC a770 LE… so I kind of want/need latest and greatest. Tumbleweed provided a very good base platform support, and rolling gets me the GPU updates that I want. (Only slight negative is that it is difficult to integrate Intel compute software, although I will admit to not having tried very hard so far given holiday season, and I have a multitude of projects that I want to work on, and so need to prioritize, e.g. check out the current state of tumbleweed build for vf2… since I can try it and maybe help it…)

Either way Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Yeart…