openSUSE mobile apps

Yeah, yeah I know,

But there would be some functionality, at least the forums could be made more accessible from a mobile.

And, bottom line–cheap buzz.

I will go ahead and give it a whirl once I’m qualified and have the time, but for now I don’t know any programming language that would be all that helpful. On other fronts I am willing to volunteer some effort where my suggestion is.


When I saw the title I thought, “really?”.

But thinking about your suggestion, it’s not a bad idea at all.
An app that would make the forums usable on a small screen and provide access to openSUSE and FOSS community news would be useful.

Having a mobile app for the iPhone, blackberry, and android phones that is similar to the iPhone app Novell in Hand but geared towards advocacy, marketing, opensuse news and forum use would be awesome!