openSUSE Leap 42.1 NetworkManager BUG, USB gsm modem don't work if PIN lock is enabled.

Hello “Lizards”, :slight_smile:

I’m installed openSUSE Leap 42.1 with GNOME environment and I can’t connect to Internet with my USB gsm modem becuase GNOME NetworkManager don’t show the PIN input dialog to unlock USB modem.
In the Journal log write the error: Can’t connect to /dev/ttyUSB2 device
Also I tried to insert the PIN in the mobile broadband connection propierties (nm-connection-editor) but system don’t use it to unlock the gsm modem.

I solved the problem disabled PIN lock in USB modem from Windows.
Now without PIN lock (disabled) I can connect to Internet with the USB gsm modem without problems.

Know someone about this bug? Is this fixed with some recent update or must I open a bug report?

Thanks and greetings.

Also I tried to use ModemManager 1.4.10 but this casue a “Segmentation fault” in journald log after the first selection window.
The usb 3G modem model is ZTE MF668A.

Can someone check this in some included desktop in openSUSE Leap 42.1 or with other usb sticks/dongle modems?

Thanks and greetings.

As a long time 3G user, I always disable the PIN regardless of distro or desktop. And I would be pleased to know that this is working for a range of dongles in a distro you tried before…


This is the first linux distro that I tried to use this 3G modem, usually I use it in Windows.
If some user haven’t Windows system, he can’t disble the modem PIN lock easilly.
I think this is a BUG that yet anyone reported and this is easy to fix.
If PIN unlock isn’t supported by NetworkManager, why this have a parameter to insert the PIN in the mobile broadband connection configuration?



If you use a serial console like minicom or wvdial to connect with usb 3G modem yo can use this strings:

  • For query to modem if have PIN lock:

  • For unlock device with PIN, where 1234 is a PIN example:


I’ve never had to concern myself with PIN lock/unlock for mobile broadband devices I’ve used, but if you feel there is a problem with NM, then I’d consider submitting a bug report for this.

I found an opened bug about this problem by other user:
