openSUSE Leap 15.6 XFCE and Gnome-software

Hi all.
I have openSUSE Leap 15.6 XFCE. I have always been used to installing gnome-software because with this package I could also control fwupd. I have never used gnome-software to update the system. I usually find the updates and install them from tty1 or sometimes from iceWM. In my bare-metal system the software has graphical problems and I can only, going from memory, locate the close app button. I have no problem in vm virtualbox.
Could it be a problem with my old hardware? openSUSE Slowroll with DE Gnome was working perfectly… Thanks in advance for the help. Mauro

Not sure what your problem is.

For Leap updates can be done on the console using “sudo zypper up”

Hello @marel
Thanks for your intervention. I always update the system with zypper up. Never fixed with gnome-software. The laptop is old and will certainly not receive updates. I would still like to use fwupd which, being inexperienced, I use via gnome-software. I have always had gnome-software installed even with KDE. Now in vm it is fine but in bare-metal there is only a white card with the shadow of the buttons…
Thanks again

For old hardware is it very unlikely fwupd will find any updates, typical company’s stop support after 3…5 years. I think you gain nothing running fwupd on old hardware or did you already one or more firmware updates via fwupd?

Hi @marel
Thanks for you feedback.
My latest firmware is from 2010. Acer Intel core2duo p8400, ssd samsung 850. But then there are the devices to connect via usb. Honestly I’m a bit obsessed with updates, upgrades etc.
Windows, android, iPad, all linux (I have 8 linux vm on windows host)

Instead of fwupd checking for updates you can also check LVFS: Device List for all supported devices :wink:

Where do you think fwupd gets its information from?

Hi @arvidjaar
Thanks for your input. Could you suggest me, if there is, the way to use fwupd? Please.
Thanks in advance.

You do not ask such a question if you know better :wink:

That pages says:

This list is automatically generated and will be updated when new firmware is added or existing firmware is made available.

So it looks to the process is:

I don’t know if it helps you. You can use “package-update-indicator”. It will let you know when there are updates available. And then you can update the system from command line.

sudo zypper install package-update-indicator

There is also a possibility to allow system automatic updates in OpenSuse.

Hi @ovidiu
That’s what I already do. my daily routine:):slight_smile:

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