OpenSUSE Leap 15.3: Kernel Panic - not synching: Hard LOCKUP on HP Compaq after installing more RAM


I’m a relatively new linux user attempting to use a old HP Compaq dc7800 as a small, personal server running OpenSUSE Leap 15.3. I have four total sticks of RAM, 1 GB each totaling to 4 GB of RAM. They are the exact same model of RAM. The BIOS sees all four sticks. The computer boots up fine when I have either two sticks in slots 1 and 3, be it the new one or the old ones. When I install all four sticks of RAM, the computer tries to boot into OpenSUSE Leap but throws an error:

“Kernel panic - not syncing: Hard LOCKUP”
“Kernel Offset: 0xa00000 from oxffffff81000000 (relocation range: 0xffffffff8000000000-0xffffffffbffffffff)”

I’ve tried to also to reinstall OpenSUSE with all four sticks in, with no luck. It doesn’t throw a kernel error, the display just bugs out and stops making sense.

HP Compaq dc7800 Small Form Factor
Kernel: 5.3.18-59.34-default
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6750
GPU: Intel 82Q35 Express
RAM: Samsung M378T2953EZ3-CF7

Kernel Panic error with context

When trying to reinstall OpenSUSE

Any advice on how to make it boot with more ram and what this kernel panic is would be greatly appreciated.

Try to update BIOS.
Try to use discrete videocard with disabled onboard video.
Install 8 GiB of RAM for better productivity.