opensuse don't recognize other distro/Fedora

I’m trying to install openSuse Tumbleweed as my second distro.
I want to use dual boot with Fedora 34.
Only openSuse options exist in grub menu after openSuse install.:
I lost Fedora boot options and Yast bootloader cannot recognize it either.
All fedora partitions are still exist.

Can anyone help me about that ?
Am I missing something ? :sarcastic:


Is “Probe Foreign OS” selected in YaST Boot Loader Settings? Sometimes it doesn’t take effect until after some period of time, possibly after an upgrade that includes a new kernel. You could try changing the timeout value and applying with OK to update grub.cfg.

I don’t use Grub’s os-prober “automagic” on my multiboot UEFI installations. Instead, ( that get called via /etc/grub.d/06_CUSTOM, which is a copy I create of /etc/grub.d/40_CUSTOM.

Thank you for reply!

I changed timeout value to 30, but the result still same.
I’m testing that situation at Gnome Boxes.
I installed Fedora first, openSuse second and vice versa.
Fedora and openSuse removed each other when installation.
I suspected my partition setup maybe is wrong.
Here is my box virtual drive setup.
Can you tell me what I am missing ?

│    ext4   1.0                       53da0c95-9ca8-4792-a5be-9e369e116e4c                
│    btrfs        fedora_fedora-kde   03d1fe06-ada3-4a01-902a-1006e8ded6d8                
│    btrfs                            2ea04272-1a0e-4f25-84c5-3f9f75d20ea6   14.4G    24% /root
     swap   1                         1c0d0d44-ac22-4a3c-9485-91b20eab59e1                [SWAP]

my grub update:

sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
[sudo] password for root: 
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found theme: /boot/grub2/themes/openSUSE/theme.txt
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.14.9-1-default
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd-5.14.9-1-default
Warning: os-prober will be executed to detect other bootable partitions.
Its output will be used to detect bootable binaries on them and create new boot entries.
Found Fedora 34 (KDE Plasma) on /dev/sda2

sudo grub2-install /dev/sda
Installing for i386-pc platform.
Installation finished. No error reported.

You may have installed the two distros in incompatible modes, one in traditional BIOS boot mode, the other in UEFI boot mode. For normal multiboot PCs, both need to be in the same mode for Grub to include the other in its boot menu. Your lsblk output is showing a disk that omits an ESP partition that UEFI mode requires. If your BIOS is a UEFI type, I recommend using UEFI boot mode for both installations, and starting from scratch. If either or both installations are to virtual machines, then I’m not able to help further, and some of what I have written may not be applicable.

No 8 Mb partition for legacy boot, no ESP partition for EFI boot.
IMHO it is better to use 1 virtual drive for 1 OS.


START=$(date +%s)
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
sudo journalctl --since=@$START

and provide generated grub.cfg and full output of journalctl (upload to