Opensuse doesn´t work with PIA VPN


I have 2 questions on Private Internet Access with Opensuse. I use Opensuse Tumbleweed with a KDE DE. First I tried to install the most recent PIA app according the instructions which you can see over here How to Install a VPN on Linux. Its the instruction which says “Connect to PIA Through Its Linux VPN App”. I can install the app according the instructions, but when I click on the desktop icon nothing happens. I tried to use the instruction which I found over here Reddit - Dive into anything.

Then I tried to get PIA VPN via the KDE Network Manager which is mentioned on the PIA website under “Connect to PIA VPN through Network Manager”. The goods news is that I have connection with the PIA server, but If I test the connection there is a IP leak.

I want to use one of these 2 ways to connect to PIA, but it doesn´t work. How can I solve this?

And do you have an idea what that means and if it is a problem?

IP leak most often occurs, because VPN providers only use IPv4, so you’d have to disable IPv6 in the network settings:

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