Opensuse dark wallpaper

Hello friends,
This wallpaper is not mine
I found someplace on internet and forgot where to found
If you like dark tones like me, you should try this

There’s no link, or whatsoever…

Want a dark openSUSE wallpaper? Copy one over from the default (/usr/share/wallpapers) open it with GIMP. Go Tools, Colors, Colorize and see what’s possible. “open” ROCKS !!!

i uploaded it again :slight_smile:
but i cant edit my first message :frowning:

haha first picture came back :smiley:

Nice one. GIMP as well? Your own creation ?

This wallpaper is not mine
I found someplace on internet and forgot where to found
I just wanted to share :slight_smile:

不错,that’s good

I am glad you like it :slight_smile:

Thats the same wallpaper that I use on my laptop.!/photo.php?pid=4766774&id=640784533

Nick Featherly | Facebook

For Some reason I could get the link to post so lets try it this way!:wink:

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Just another picture of what my desktop looks like with the widgets!