opensuse 13.1 to 13.2 ?

Just a question: I’m downloading 13.2 , and I will probably make a fresh install, but I wonder if there is a way to update (upgrade ?) from 13.1 to 13.2 without having to re-install everything again.

…I’m just lazy :stuck_out_tongue:


Of course there is.
See here:

or one of thousand forum threads… :wink:

As you are already downloading the DVD IIUYC, I’d suggest the second method, Offline Upgrade.
I.e. just boot from the DVD and select “Upgrade” instead of “Installation”.
But please read that article anyway, as it contains some useful hints.

I didn’t want to start new thread so I just used this one.

Today I upgraded openSUSe from ver 13.1 to 13.2 - online upgrade method. Method that I used was from SDB:System upgrade - openSUSE Wiki.
The problem is, that in GRUB2 boot menu my openSUSE version is still recognized as 13.1. I checked cat /etc/os-release and everything is fine. This is my release info:

NAME=openSUSEVERSION=“13.2 (Harlequin)”
PRETTY_NAME=“openSUSE 13.2 (Harlequin) (x86_64)”
CPE_NAME=“cpe:/o: opensuse: opensuse:13.2”

I don’t know if there is a problem with os-prober or something else. For example if I want to install a package openSUSE Software I get offered a choice for Direct install for version 13.1 and not for version 13.2. I don’t know if this site checks opensuse version, but still.
Any advice will be much appreciated. If this is the case related only to os-prober, any help with proper configuration for 30_os-prober file (for Linux) will be appreciated as well.

Best regards

Well you can just change it in Yast-bootloader But the same problem happened in 13.1 IIR

Yes, and 12.3 already… :wink:

This is because the “Distributor” is a user settable string, therefore it is not changed on updates/upgrades.

But AFAIK, a fresh 13.2 installation should just use “openSUSE” (without version number) to avoid this “problem” in the future.

No, the site doesn’t check your openSUSE version, there’s no way to do that. (it might try to guess from what the browser sends as identification string though)

Click on the wrench icon next to the search button, and you can configure for which openSUSE version you want to get the results shown by default.

Hi, i just put question in this thread. I have upgraded to opensuse 13.2 from 13.1 using recommended method on SDB system upgrade with zypper dup. Everything works ok but Yast is now so unresponsive. For example if i want to open some Yast modules: software management, security center etc. it takes 30sec to open. On previous 13.1 it was quick. Where should i look at what is going on ? Thank You.

Hm, it’s actually much faster here with 13.2 than on 13.1.

Do you get some messages when you run YaST in a terminal? (run “su -” to switch to root, and then just type “yast2”)
Is it also slow when you run a module directly?

yast2 sw_single

Maybe there’s a clue in /var/log/YaST2/y2log?

On 2014-11-04 19:46, demkr wrote:

> The problem is, that in GRUB2 boot menu my openSUSE version is still
> recognized as 13.1. I checked cat /etc/os-release and everything is
> fine.

It is not a problem but an intentional feature.
Change it yourself by hand edit.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)

Hi, if i run

yast2 sw_single

in terminal there is nothing suspicious.
Here is y2log:

Thank you for your reply. I changed Distributor string to just openSUSE (for future upgrades sake) and that solve my problem.

I know that you can choose for which version you want to install package. I also want to apologize for misunderstanding when I wrote that web site is checking OS version. I meant that browser is sending that kind of data to webpages. I also checked that and my OS is identified as OpenSUSE 13.2 (Harlequin) so it’s OK.

Just wanted to share my issues with upgrading 13.1 to 13.2
I have an Acer laptop dual booting Windows 8.1 and 13.1.
I attempted to upgrade my system to 13.2 using the online method but received errors so I downloaded the KDE 64bit DVD and attempted to upgrade
from the DVD.
I booted in text mode and could not get the upgrade to auto configure my network connection and it would not give me an option to manually configure it. I continued the upgrade and everything worked fine till it could not install the boot loader. I attempted this upgrade several times with the same issues each time.
I then tried to upgrade using the graphical interface and all the same issues happened.
I finally gave up and did a new install and it auto configured my network, installed the boot loader and everything works as advertised.
I found it a little disappointing that the upgrade process seems to be overly complicated and of course in my case did not work.


On 2014-11-07 20:26, demkr wrote:
> wolfi323;2672886 Wrote:

>> Click on the wrench icon next to the search button, and you can
>> configure for which openSUSE version you want to get the results shown
>> by default.
> I know that you can choose for which version you want to install
> package. I also want to apologize for misunderstanding when I wrote that
> web site is checking OS version. I meant that browser is sending that
> kind of data to webpages. I also checked that and my OS is identified as
> OpenSUSE 13.2 (Harlequin) so it’s OK.

Yes, but the search thing doesn’t consider that information at all.
Instead it remembers your settings via cookies.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)