openSUSE 13.1 MP4(a) h264 missing codec

Hi everyone. I report you what’happening.
I already had openSUSE and I used the GNOME de, and now I have do an upgrade to openSUSE 13.1 (I had the version before this).
The problem is: the “Video” application in openSUSE doesn’t open me the .mp4 videos. When I try to install the codec that the program suggest me, it fails.
So I tried with VLC Media Player. And it gives me the same error: the missing codec.
I tried to uninstall from YaST the codecs and reinstall them but with the same result.
I post you some screenshot about (every passage) what happens so someone of you can understand better the problem.
I’m Italian and VLC is in Italian. So I post you the english translation of the error, here:

Any appropriate decoding form:
VLC doesn't supports the audio or video format "h264". Unlucky there's any way to solve to problem.
Any appropriate decoding form:
VLC doesn't supports the audio or video format "mp4a". Unlucky there's any way to solve to problem.

Thank you everyone for the possible help!

Follow the procedure at to get VLC and its codecs installed for 13.1 from Packman.

My installation of this plays mp4 files correctly.

Am using GNOME not KDE, where am finding Totem (official movie player for the GNOME desktop environment based on GStreamer) shows H2364 errors then plays audio and NOT video for (some?) of our mp4 recordings, while Banshee as soon as installed and since does provides both audio and video.

Thank you for the help, but that’s exactly what I did. I reinstalled this packages, and right now I’ve “upgraded” them, even if there wasn’t anything to upgrade (I’m taking about the terminal options when you call the Zypper, like: Select 1/2/3/a to do a choice or something like this).
And the problem isn’t only in VLC, but in GNOME application “video”.

Am using GNOME not KDE, where am finding **Totem **(official movie player for the GNOME desktop environment based on GStreamer) shows H2364 errors then plays audio and NOT video for (some?) of our mp4 recordings, while Banshee as soon as installed and since does provides both audio and video.

Yes! That works. I mean Banshee, it plays me the .mp4 files. But the problem in the original (I’ve understand it is called Totem) application in GNOME to watch videos and in VLC is still there. I would use VLC for some things I use there (like modify the resolution, subtitles ect.)
There’s a solution?

Thanks very much both of you!

This reads like the same problem as in thread There, people have used the suggestions to get VLC working, but Totem is still a problem. The VLC issue seems to be a mix of versions from several repositories; all need to be from Packman.

While curious about many packages returned when search for mp4, only two items show as installed:

paulparker@linux-30s5:~> sudo zypper se -di mp4
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name      | Summary                 | Type   
i | libtag1   | Audio Meta-Data Library | package
i | libtag_c0 | Audio Meta-Data Library | package

Similar when search for h264 :

paulparker@linux-30s5:~> sudo zypper se -di h264
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name        | Summary                                  | Type   
i | libx264-135 | A free h264/avc encoder - encoder binary | package

I know you said you tried reinstalling the codecs but sometimes people think they installed it right, but have not. Soo…

Try that if you have not already. Also make sure you dont have the videolan and packman repos on at the same time, disable videolan and stick with packman if you do.

It looks like the necessary packages are not installed. When I do your checks I get

howard@X41-os131:~> sudo zypper se -di mp4
root's password:
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name       | Summary                                        | Type   
i | MPlayer    | Multimedia Player                              | package
i | gmplayer   | GUI Frontend for the MPlayer Multimedia Player | package
i | h264enc    | An advanced CLI shell script for MEncoder      | package
i | libmp4v2-2 | Library to create and modify mp4 files         | package
i | libtag1    | Audio Meta-Data Library                        | package


howard@X41-os131:~> sudo zypper se -di h264
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name        | Summary                                   | Type   
i | h264enc     | An advanced CLI shell script for MEncoder | package
i | libx264-135 | A free h264/avc encoder - encoder binary  | package
i | x264        | A free h264/avc encoder - encoder binary  | package

My installation followed , always accepting the option that used the packman version.

But your additional packages are not at all required to play back mp4 files with totem! :wink:

Install gstreamer-plugins-libav and mp4 should work. And also check that you have gstreamer-plugins-ugly-orig-addons.