OpenSuse 13.1 - Installed XEN - Can't launch from GRUB2

Having a weird weird issue with XEN.

I’ve used XenServer before, but now I’m trying to get plain XEN working in OpenSuse.

I installed XEN via the YAST2 Control Center, rebooted as prompted, and selected the XEN entry in GRUB2.

The screen flashes quickly, then goes right back to the GRUB2 menu.

If I go to Advanced options for the XEN entry, and try any of the options there, it does the exact same thing.

Not 100% sure what to make of it, as it doesn’t actually produce any errors, just flashes and goes back to the GRUB menu.

If I select the non-xen entry, it boots fine into KDE.

I’ve installed all updates, and enabled the Virtualisation repository, updated with zypper up, and still experiencing the same problems.

Does anyone have any tips on what I should be looking for in GRUB2 to identify what the issue may be?

Could it be a component that did not get installed right?

My hardware has virtualisation enabled, along with IOMMU.

Thank you much in advance.


You probably have a special graphics driver from nvidia or AMD loaded instead of the shipped graphics drivers from openSUSE.
The Xen kernel does not work with those drivers.

Disable these and try again or use KVM instead of Xen.

Have you tried booting into the Xen kernel “rescue mode?” That could possibly hint at a driver issue like what Zebulon888 suggests.

Also, as soon as you select your grub entry, <immediately> click ESC at least once (several times shouldn’t hurt) so you can see any boot entries on the screen so you can verify last successful step before your system boot fails.

Also, you can inspect your bootlog (by immediately dropping into a console or later by inspecting the entire boot log) for issues.