Download openSUSE 12.2 RC 1 Happy testing
The install went nicely (64 bit).
The first boot, after install, seemed to hang for a long time. But then Yast finally came up to complete the install. It warned me that “/home” was not mounted, and asked should I continue with user setup. Sigh!
What happened, was that the prompt for the “/home” encryption key never showed up.
I hit CTRL-ALT-F2, to get a root session. Then I ran “cryptsetup” to make “/home” available. Then I mounted “/home”. Then I used CTRL-ALT-F7 to get back to Yast, and told it to continue. That went well.
Rebooted - the same problem of no prompt for crypto. The same apparent hang during boot. Presumably the hang is waiting for the encryption key somewhere that I cannot see.
Again, got a virtual console, fixed the crypto for this session, and then went back to GUI login.
In GUI login, I edited “/etc/crypttab” to tell it to prompt for crypto in “initrd”. I also edited “/etc/default/grub” to remove “splash=silent quiet” from the kernel boot line. Then I did “mkinitrd”.
Incidentally, I periodically received broadcast messages about being prompted for encryption key, but with nowhere to enter the key.
Finally, rebooted again. The startup screen was noisy (no splash). But at least I was prompted for crypto, and the boot went normally.
I guess plymouth is screwed up again.
Here no luck
The installer cant find the disks cant patition them nor format the disks
not as 2 single disks or to 2 disk in raid0
Mobo has nvidia chipset mp51
I downloaded actualisations, rebooted and picture of my KDE environment was opposite. I had to go to gnome environment, reinstalled nvidia driver, rebooted and everything is working without problems, excluding weather extension in gnome. Good work.
First attempt at the install (KDE) was successful. It booted with 1024 x 768 resolution while my monitor goes up to 1280 x 1024. I tried to set it under Configure Desktop > Hardware > Display and Monitor but 1024 x 768 was the highest available. In past installations I copied an old xorg.conf to /etc and that corrected the problem. This made no difference this time. I will fiddle with it again tomorrow, but if anyone has a suggestion please let me know. Otherwise it seemd to be working.
Knowing which video card you have would help
Did grub2 get a nice background yet? Mine is still black after a “zypper dup”.
I installed the live kde iso. the install went flawless. the background is very nice. great job!
nVidia GT200 [GeForce 210]
I need help too. Running from 12.2RC live on a CD, I’m trying to set up a Brother MFC5895 on a wired network. CUPS is installed, but I get the message, “Sorry, the system printing service doesn’t seem to be available.” What do I need to get, install, or do?
On 2012-07-13 11:46, davec51 wrote:
> I need help too. Running from 12.2RC live on a CD, I’m trying to set up
> a Brother MFC5895 on a wired network. CUPS is installed, but I get the
> message, “Sorry, the system printing service doesn’t seem to be
> available.” What do I need to get, install, or do?
You will be better by posting your issue in a new thread, and give more
details, like how is the printer connected to your machine, and where are
you getting that message.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
zypper install bootsplash-branding-openSUSE and you will get a pretty boot screen
Make sure the cups packages are installed. If you are running a live cd I don’t think you have those packages. install and update. Make sure cups is running by going to YaST2-systemservices and if cups has an** *** start it
Check out
Installing the nVIDIA Video Driver the Hard Way - Blogs - openSUSE Forums
Linus really doesn’t like nVidea
Grub2 v.2.0.0 in RC1 now offers a FailSafe or Safe-Mode setting as a submenu when selecting Advanced.
Recovery has been removed.
More info Mobo = Asus P5N-D latest bios
Install 12.2 stalls in system check search for linux patitions for hours till i kill it bij a reset
12.1 has no problems
I had the same problem with my Asus P5Q mobo.
When installing type in Boot Options “acpi=off” (without the quotes) and press the <enter> key.
After finishing the installation. Don’t forget to start the Yast Boot Loader and remove “acpi=off” from the kernel options.
I have created a bug report about this issue. Feel free to add your comments:
Thanks, Dale. I’ll do as you say.
Mobo P5N-D opensuse 12,2 rc1 boot param acpi=off
Ok acpi = off helps
now the installer works to the point that it wants to format the disks
i get etx4 error -3030
it stops with the choise to ABORT
I reinstall openSUSE 12.2 rc1 from dvd gnome environment. I have added kde. Everything work fine excluding language. I have installed czech language but I must click on us keyboard to change on cz on systray. The same problem I had with 12.1 version. I finally installed weather extension but it cannot be switched on. I think being problem with shell version. Have anybody the same experience?