opensuse 12.2 no wireless option

Hello all i will start off by saying i am a complete rookie when it comes to linux in general. I got opensuse installed on two machines now. one is a Lenovo Yoga (new ultrabook). Im having an issue with the wireless card in this unit. if i go into networking i dont see any kind of a wifi option. How do i correct this?

On 11/22/2012 11:46 PM, RugbyPlayer58519 wrote:
> How do i correct this?

move to the wirless networking forum (a sub of this one) here:

at the top of that list are three “Sticky” thread, one (or all) of those
will walk most folks through the steps to a smile…

however, if you run into trouble (some folks with really new hardware
will have problems) then one of those stickies will tell you what info
you need to put into your next post, in the wireless forum…
