Opensuse 12.1 Update issue

On 25/02/12 07:56, Prad viking wrote:
> Hi,
> I got an update notification. When I opened Apper, it had an updae for
> software management. But when I try and install the update I get the
> following error message :“The package libzypp is essential to correct
> operation and cannot be removed using this tool”.
> Now i see that Apper notification sits in my taskbar and due to this
> Yast doesnt launch as it says “Packagekit” is running.
> Is there a way to install this update or remove it from the list of
> updaes?
> Thanks,
> Prad

Don’t use Apper

Configure it not to check for updates

Use your terminal and run this

su -
zypper patch

When it’s done, run it again
and then

zypper up