openSUSE 12.1 install help. (from Win7/Ubuntu to openSUSE)


I have a HP netbook that doens’t have a cd drive, and I am running Win7 and dual booting Ubuntu. I want to switch out ubuntu for openSUSE.

I am a noob at linux, and I had trouble all last night trying to figure out how to do this. First I tried using the software & directions off of OSuse’s website, but it couldn’t locate .iso files nor would the other route work (it kept saying that it can’t run on vista, but i have 7).

Next I tried mounting from ubuntu to my external hard drive, since I don’t have a usb stick (which may sound naive or stupid) but it was the only way I could think of how to do this. Ubuntu couldn’t mount it because it said the hard drive was ‘read only’.

I really want to use OpenSUSE but I’m having a lot of trouble with the install and figuring out which is the best way to do this…any help is appreciated!


On 2012-02-20 23:16, sheappp wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a HP netbook that doens’t have a cd drive, and I am running Win7
> and dual booting Ubuntu. I want to switch out ubuntu for openSUSE.

No CD/DVD reader, so you have to use a usb stick.

> I am a noob at linux, and I had trouble all last night trying to figure
> out how to do this. First I tried using the software & directions off of
> OSuse’s website, but it couldn’t locate .iso files nor would the other
> route work (it kept saying that it can’t run on vista, but i have 7).

I don’t know what you are trying to do. I’m guessing you try to start an
old setup.exe made for windows to install Linux - I have not read of
anybody succeeding with this method for years.

> Next I tried mounting from ubuntu to my external hard drive, since I
> don’t have a usb stick (which may sound naive or stupid) but it was the
> only way I could think of how to do this. Ubuntu couldn’t mount it
> because it said the hard drive was ‘read only’.

I don’t understand what you try here - but no cd, and no stick → means
“no way”.

Years ago, there was a page… yep, here:


have a look there, maybe it works.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

On 02/20/2012 11:16 PM, sheappp wrote:
> I had trouble all last night trying to figure
> out how to do this.

when you read though the various helpful spots (like those below), were
they not helpful? if you have questions on any please ask them here:

to the five recommended thing to read in my post here

also have a look at the hints on transitioning from Ubuntu to openSUSE,

finally: be sure and backup your data and system before beginning…

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