openSUSE 11 - KDE or GNOME?

I decided to install mine with KDE4 but it feels very… odd for me. I have always preferred the GNOME side of things slightly more. :shame:

I’m the mature facebook type of person rather than the myspace/bebo type.

To me kde is like myspace/bebo whereas facebook is like gnome… lol! (but all are good to use)

It’s hard for me to pick between them. I might re-install my openSUSE 11 to use the gnome environment… or try to install it so I can switch between (if possible) :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you guys prefer and why? Which desktop environment is better in your opinion?

KDE4 is buggy on my computer, I don’t know why…

Gnome has always run smoothly in the past and feels more professional… :stuck_out_tongue:

This has probably been asked a million times before but I would love to hear from the openSUSE community!


hmm, had a search of the forum ? there are several topics on this,why not join one ? i will close this one


On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 15:26:01 +0000, richyf89 wrote:

> always preferred the GNOME side of things slightly more. :shame:

Nothing to be ashamed of there. I’ve been a GNOME user for many years; I
prefer it because it lets me focus on the work I’m doing rather than on
tweaking every little detail of how the interface works. If I were a KDE
user, I’d spend endless hours playing with this, that, and the other
thing, and I simply don’t have time for that.

The UI is a means for me to do work.

That said: Which is better? Depends on what you want. Is a red car
better than a blue car?


On 2008-08-25, Jim Henderson <> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 15:26:01 +0000, richyf89 wrote:
>> always preferred the GNOME side of things slightly more. :shame:
> Nothing to be ashamed of there. I’ve been a GNOME user for many years; I
> prefer it because it lets me focus on the work I’m doing rather than on
> tweaking every little detail of how the interface works. If I were a KDE
> user, I’d spend endless hours playing with this, that, and the other
> thing, and I simply don’t have time for that.

That’s your fault, not the interface’s.
I’m in KDE, but I hardly ever change anything in it. I just use it.

> The UI is a means for me to do work.

That’s what it’s supposed to be. :slight_smile:

Hanlon’s Razor:
Never attribute to malice that which is
adequately explained by stupidity.

On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 18:40:03 +0000, Rikishi 42 wrote:

> That’s your fault, not the interface’s. I’m in KDE, but I hardly ever
> change anything in it. I just use it.

<shrug> Doesn’t matter to me whose fault it is. I prefer the simplicity
of the GNOME interface. I’ve been using it for going on 12 years or so
now. Started using it because I pulled Ximian’s Red Carpet to get
updates for RedHat 5 or 6 and I got used to it. I’ve tried KDE a few
times, but I’m more familiar with where to find things in GNOME, so I
always switch back.

>> The UI is a means for me to do work.
> That’s what it’s supposed to be. :slight_smile:

And indeed it is. :slight_smile:


On 2008-08-25, Jim Henderson <> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 18:40:03 +0000, Rikishi 42 wrote:
>> That’s your fault, not the interface’s. I’m in KDE, but I hardly ever
>> change anything in it. I just use it.
><shrug> Doesn’t matter to me whose fault it is. I prefer the simplicity
> of the GNOME interface. I’ve been using it for going on 12 years or so
> now. Started using it because I pulled Ximian’s Red Carpet to get
> updates for RedHat 5 or 6 and I got used to it. I’ve tried KDE a few
> times, but I’m more familiar with where to find things in GNOME, so I
> always switch back.

That’s actually the same for me, only reversing to KDE. Just used to it, as
I started with SuSE and KDE.

Hanlon’s Razor:
Never attribute to malice that which is
adequately explained by stupidity.