openSUSE 11.4?

I thought the next version of openSUSE would be 12.0 but today while readind the openSUSE weekly news I saw the was a feature request for openSUSE 11.4 to ship KDE 4.6 with it. My question is, next version will be 11.4 or 12.0?

Does the exact number really matter? I can think of lots more pressing questions in life. (Like: what time is lunch?) :slight_smile:

in the same weekly news there was a post sayign that 11.3+1 would have 4.6. And, it’s been discussed here that the KDE Factory repos would be switching to 4.6

My recollection from the past is typically around the x.2 or x.3 release, one never knows if one is going to an x.y+1 release, or if one is going to x+1.0 release. That decision is typically made by SuSE-GmbH sometime after the openSUSE-x.2 or x.3 GM version, when there is a ‘roadmap’ meeting. I don’t recall there being such a meeting yet for the next release.

Me too, especially given the wife is in Switzerland visiting friends, and I am forced to be a bachelor (who also can’t cook). :frowning:

On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 00:36:01 +0000, derhundchen wrote:

> I thought the next version of openSUSE would be 12.0 but today while
> readind the openSUSE weekly news I saw the was a feature request for
> openSUSE 11.4 to ship KDE 4.6 with it. My question is, next version will
> be 11.4 or 12.0?

It is being discussed. Another proposal is 2011.1

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

Yes, 2011.1 is good …Maybe we’d better use some kind of timecode :wink: ? Like


This would solve the problem of multiple version releases on the same day once and for all. If in the same sec, we could add -1, -2 to it.

Now back to the coffee

Getting rid of the major/minor release number would be a good idea indeed. Nowadays, it is really difficlut to know when a distribution is getting a “major” upgarde or not (until now, the numbering scheme was linkd to the SUSE Linu Enterprise products roadmap, and didn’t reflect the content of the distribution).

Yes it appears the next version of openSUSE will be called 11.4

I think we will move to some sort of timestamp-based system.
By persisting with the 11.x series we can then move to a timestamp system in 2012 without appearing to be “downgrading” on a new release.

On 15/07/10 20:56, ReferenceSeete wrote:
> Yes it appears the next version of openSUSE will be called 11.4
> I think we will move to some sort of timestamp-based system.
> By persisting with the 11.x series we can then move to a timestamp
> system in 2012 without appearing to be “downgrading” on a new release.

“I have a cunning plan!” said Baldrick.

Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks. E-mail: newsman, not newsboy

I imagine they will go with 11.4. They typically build SLES versions off of .1 releases… If they went to 12.0 and 9 months later went 12.1, then they’d be in the works to release a new SLE version…

I believe they are going to add another 9 month cycle, to prolong the life of their SLE versions major versions.

Current numbering scheme is OK for me, it’s just clean. :slight_smile: Somebody mentioned “2011.1” scheme - it’s bad (you can’t indicate what was previous version with only knowing current version number).

On 2010-07-19 10:46 GMT ksx4system wrote:

> Current numbering scheme is OK for me, it’s just clean. :slight_smile: Somebody
> mentioned “2011.1” scheme - it’s bad (you can’t indicate what was
> previous version with only knowing current version number).

Ok, what were the previous versions to 9.0 and 7.0? Don’t cheat, no
looking it up. >:-P

And how old are they? Year and month, please >:-)

Having the year in the version number would help novices not installing
10.2 thinking it is “new”, or worse, buying the box.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Minas Tirith))

When my wife goes visiting, I wait about a week and then call and ask “Honey, Are you coming home or should I just buy new dishes? All the ones we have are dirty!” She usually comes home.


why dont YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS ? more easily orderable :slight_smile:

Now back to the coffee and camel lights too :slight_smile:

Agreed, and we’re ANSI compatible then as well :slight_smile: I suggest we add milliseconds onto it as well, then we’d solve the problem of who’s running the most bleeding-edge system once and for all. If only the kernel people would do that - we can only hope to be a shining beacon of hope to them.

Seriously though, I like 2012.1. Would the .1 refer to the first release in 2012, or a release in the first month of 2012 (ie will there be a 2012.12)?

I favor OPENSUSE the most. With that being said, just curious, how come opensuse doesn’t have an LTS version like ubuntu. I would think the the last opensuse release before the actual, new SLE version comes out would be the LTS version if there was one…


This has been discussed ad nauseam in the forums and the mailing lists, and I think the discussion may still be going on in some form or another. Not to brush your question off, but I suggest you search the fora for the answer. :slight_smile:

i set up the development version on a separate partition and openSUSE 11.4 is showing up in the branding.

On Saturday 24 July 2010 01:06, onemystic scribbled:

> i set up the development version on a separate partition and openSUSE
> 11.4 is showing up in the branding.

Yes, and running OK at the moment. Much the same as 11.3 but with KDE

I’m having less trouble so far than with either basic 11.3 or 11.2 with
KDE4.4.93. 11.3 got pretty slow after running for 12+ hours with Xorg CPU
around 20-25%. KDE 4.4.93 responds slowly on 11.2 - hidden task-bar very
sluggish to appear and disappear. I should add that these comments only
apply to my Radeon HD2400 Pro machine (Radeon driver for 11.3 and RadeonHD
for 11.2).

Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks.


Actually it needs to have an even more unmarketable name…let’s just call
it Butt Cheese.

Yes, I’d like that fancy new laptop you have.
Does it come with Butt Cheese?


Yes, I’d like that fancy new laptop you have.
Does it come with openSUSE-01-01-2011 12:00:00?