openSUSE 11.2 - No Internet connecion but Skype works

At the beginning I want to mention that I know that there are plenty of similar bugs on this forum. but…
I have installed openSUSE 11.2 64 bit on my girlfriend laptop, network manager successful join my wireless network.
I can login to Skype, Kopete and chat but I can’t browse pages with Firefox, also plasmoids that require Internet connection doesn’t work and Google Earth can’t connect.
But Skype does :sarcastic:
I have tried to use ifup, no_acpi, disabling IP v6 with no success.
She’s got Toshiba L300 laptop.

BTW, is it possible that this error won’t occur in 32-bit version of openSUSE 11.2?

I’am also using openSUSE 11.2 64 bit and have the same problem.
it’s a problem with the DNS.
to avoid it, everytime you connect to a diferent network you have to run “dhcpcd eth0”.
i think it’s a bug in the dhcp client that openSuse uses by default…
openSuse 11.1 already had this problem and i was hoping that this was fixed in this version… but it’s not. :frowning:

On 11/18/2009 05:36 PM, xpetept wrote:
> I’am also using openSUSE 11.2 64 bit and have the same problem.
> it’s a problem with the DNS.
> to avoid it, everytime you connect to a diferent network you have to
> run “dhcpcd eth0”.
> i think it’s a bug in the dhcp client that openSuse uses by default…
> openSuse 11.1 already had this problem and i was hoping that this was
> fixed in this version… but it’s not. :frowning:

Have you checked to see if this bug has been posted?

hmm… no… :stuck_out_tongue:
now i did it but i think didn’t found anything related…
maybe i will do a bug report soon if nobody finds a one related this.

Hey, just registered an account here because I’ve been following this (and other similars) thread, and finally came out with half a solution that I’d like to share with you and anyone who gets frustrated by the same trouble.

First of all, known bugs are TWO and different:

  • KNetworkManager routes bug.
  • KNetworkManager enable wireless bug.

The first one is, as said in this thread, fixed in the updated release of KNetworkManager.
The question everyone seems to ask is: “how can I get the update since I have no network???”. That is part of the true. Actually, with cable connection at least, disabled IvP6 and given KNetworkManager to manage connections, we DO HAVE a connection to the router.
What we do not have, is a nameserver lookup. So basically, we can not access But if we try with Google’s IP (Google)… Ta-daaaaa!

SO, back to the point: how can we get the update? In YAST, just edit the update repository and change into
As easy as it is. Skip other repos, you’ll be able to get them later, when the net is up and working.

Now just start all the updates from YAST, then reboot.

Ok, we got it: wired connection with DNS lookup.

Now the second bug: we can connect through our cable, but we can not “enable wireless” (grey disabled option on KNetworkManager menu). No enables, no connections.
The funny thing is this is just a non-fixable bug; chances are that if you can not “enable wireless”:
a) you have no wireless adapters connected. > Connect one.
b) you are on a laptop, with wireless adapter turned off. > Turn it on.
c) you are on desktop/laptop with TWO wireless adapters. Maybe the first one integrated (with its own on/off switch), the other just an USB with no switches.

Well, if you’re the C case, take off the USB/PCMCIA adapter, just turn on the integrated wlan, wait 5 seconds and… Ta-daaaaaa! Wireless is up and running.

Still not enabled? Ok, try with “ifconfig wlan0 up”, maybe your wlan adapter is still sleeping. Wait 5 seconds again and… Well, ta-daaaaaa! Wireless is finally running.

Seems like KNetworkManager requires that if ONE adapter has a on/off switch, BOTH adapters have to got an on/off switch, otherwise no chances to enable wireless.

THAT is insane.
Don’t come back to 11.1, just follow the previous lines and you all will be ok. Gonna post this on other threads like this.


Sorry for the late replay.
I did the update and it’s NOT FIXED in wired networks but i think it it’s fixed wireless networks.