[openSUSE 11.1] PulseAudio sound glitch on new stream

Greetings everyone!
I’ve been using Linux for a while now, used different distros and currently trying openSUSE 11.1(GNOME).
Everything is fine and running smoothly, except the PulseAudio sound server… When opening another stream for playback using the alsa-plugin the speakers start to make strange noises like the cables aren’t fine and touching eachoter ( Sorry for the stupid explanation, but I have no idea how to explain it in other way in English ). This is everytime alsa app like skype or wine starts a new stream. When there is only one playback stream, despite what it is, there is no problem, but when banshee plays and I receive a message or a call from skype the noise is blasting my head. I’ve read the PerfectSetup page in PulseAudio wiki, followed some instructions from there, used every single GUI tool for configuring PA but no luck, the noise is still here. When I used fedora 9 before 6 months or so there was no such problem. Before openSUSE 11.1 I had Fedora 10 and the problem still existed, but it glitched only once in a while, while in suse this is everytime I start a playback stream with alsa. My soundcard is onboard SB Azalia (Intel chip) ALC662, using 5.1 sound via “model=3stack-6ch” in /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf

I can’t quite “visualize” (audioize / imagine ??? ) the sound effect you are hearing. You could try the fix here: SDB:AudioTroubleshooting possible choppy sound fix - openSUSE reboot and test. And if that does not work, put things back the way they were before.

And if that does not help, you could also provide more information, such as with your PC connected to the internet, with root permissions, run:
you may need to run it twice, the 1st time to update and the second time to get the provided URL. Please post here the provided URL (only).

Also, in such a case please provide here the output of:
rpm -qa | grep alsa
rpm -qa | grep pulse
rpm -q libasound2
uname -a
cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound