opensuse 10.3


I would like to have the opensuse 10.3 DVD for installing gcc. (I lost the original DVD… and with opensuse 11 my laptop does not work) Do you know a webpage where I can download it? The official page doesn’t work…

katika wrote:

> Hello!
> I would like to have the opensuse 10.3 DVD for installing gcc. (I lost
> the original DVD… and with opensuse 11 my laptop does not work) Do you
> know a webpage where I can download it? The official page doesn’t
> work…
Try this

but maybe we can also help you with getting a newer version running?

On 2010-08-23 11:36, katika wrote:
> Hello!
> I would like to have the opensuse 10.3 DVD for installing gcc. (I lost
> the original DVD… and with opensuse 11 my laptop does not work) Do you
> know a webpage where I can download it? The official page doesn’t
> work…

Search in the discontinued branch of some mirrors.


Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

Martin Helm wrote:

> katika wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I would like to have the opensuse 10.3 DVD for installing gcc. (I lost
>> the original DVD… and with opensuse 11 my laptop does not work) Do you
>> know a webpage where I can download it? The official page doesn’t
>> work…
> Try this
> but maybe we can also help you with getting a newer version running?

I see this is your first post, so welcome here.
Let me be a bit more explicit. The benefit in making a new version work is
(beside the fact that you have more up to date programs) of course security.
10.3 is discontinued and you can not get any security updates for it which
is not so nice if you will connect to the internet.
If you can give us the information what failed when you try to install a
current version of opensuse or if it installs which parts do not work as you
expect it and give us the info about your hardware there is a fair chance
(but of course no guarantee) that we can help you making it work.

Thank you!

I would be very happy if I could install opensuse 11! But I have a laptop Samsung X10 1400, and I search for the web for a how-to install , but I saw webpages saying that opensuse 10 works on it. Although I tried to install the newer version 11, but I failed… I am a beginner, all what I could do to put the DVD into the laptop, and hope it will work. Do you think it worths another try with some help?


katika wrote:

> Thank you!
> I would be very happy if I could install opensuse 11! But I have a
> laptop Samsung X10 1400, and I search for the web for a how-to install ,
> but I saw webpages saying that opensuse 10 works on it. Although I tried
> to install the newer version 11, but I failed… I am a beginner, all
> what I could do to put the DVD into the laptop, and hope it will work.
> Do you think it worths another try with some help?
> Katika
It depends a little bit on the question if you have time and energy to try
it again with os 11 and if you need the laptop absolutely urgent. If it is
no problem for you to do some tests making it run with the newer version it
is probably worth the effort. Is it correct that it has a Geforce 4 440 Go
graphics card (that is what google found for this modell), maybe you have
more specs available (wireless for example).

What exactly happened when you tried to install os 11 (which version was it
11.2 or 11.3 and was it the installer dvd or one of the live cd’s?).
Maybe it is agood idea if you download one of the live cd’s and try to boot
that. It does not do any harm to your machine and you see if it starts at

Goto and choose for example “Live KDE”.

openSUSE 11.2 64 bit | Intel(R) Core™2 Quad CPU Q8300@2.50GHz | Gnome
2.28 | GeForce 9600 GT | 4GB Ram

Martin Helm wrote:

> it is probably worth the effort. Is it correct that it has a Geforce 4 440
> Go graphics card (that is what google found for this modell)

This graphics card is supported by the legacy nvidia driver which does not
exist for 11.3 but is still available in 11.2, so it is for a beginner a
better idea if you start with opensuse 11.2 to make it easier for you with
the graphics driver installation, hte link to the live cd is then

11.2 is still up to date with security updates until next year and you can
later decide to update or not to 11.3 or when it is in some months available

openSUSE 11.2 64 bit | Intel(R) Core™2 Quad CPU Q8300@2.50GHz | Gnome
2.28 | GeForce 9600 GT | 4GB Ram