openSUSE 10.3 dell 1650

We recently upgraded a dell 1650 with perc 3d scsi controller from 10.1 to 10.3. The server is up and running but the disk access is very sluggish. This problem did not exist on 10.1.

We have done the firware updates for the perc 3d, backplane, bios, and the esm modules all from dell but this does not seem to make any difference. 10.3 is patched to the lastest updates via on-line updates as well

The drives are setup in a raid 5 configuration. Boot up is very very slow. Any time you have to access the drive its very slow. Using nmon to watch the drive access show sda pegged at 100% when any access occurs. smartctl will not support the hardware configuration so it does not provide any information.

Days of google’in have not provided any information which solve the problem.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.