Openssh...but this requirement cannot be provided

Getting the following upgrade error, for a couple of days now:
the installed openssh-server-config-rootlogin-9.6p1-150600.2.7.x86_64 requires ‘openssh-server = 9.6p1-150600.2.7’, but this requirement cannot be provided

Running 15.6 with KDE, on a decade old AMD desktop.


Delete openssh-server-config-rootlogin-9.6p1-150600.2.7:

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Do you need that package " openssh-server-config-rootlogin"?

Checking, it does not seem to even exist in the repos. I suggest that you remove that package.

Yes, I remember the package during the beta testing stage. I didn’t much like it, so I removed the package and locked it. I still have it locked, even though it doesn’t exist.

All the package did was provide configuration to allow root logins with password.

If I have been correctly paying attention, then here’s what happened:

They built in the support for root logins separately, as part of “openssh-server”. They then added a package “openssh-server-config-disallow-rootlogin” which could be installed by people who don’t want to allow root login with password. And they removed the original package that is causing you problems.

Personally, I disallow root login with password. But I do it with my own configuration file “/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d” so I don’t need or want their config package.

Whichever way you want, you don’t need that package that is causing problems. So remove it.

zypper rm openssh-server-config-rootlogin
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