OpenOffice .org problem/oocalc

Dear users and SuSE fans,
… # oocalc Session bus not found

…# KCrash: Application ‘soffice.bin’ crashing…
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.
drkonqi(10764): Session bus not found


So ,when from CLI (staying in KDE ) a navigate to a mounted partition from Win 7 when I have stored old files (tables,docs etc.) as root /otherwise can’t do ,of course as you know and I type the command to open that file for working on it I get the above message.NO NEED to change the owner or rights ,as root.Till now I didn’t have this problem.

I did also this think:with chown user folder file path/chmod 0777 and after launch the application I get the same result/ERROR.

BUT if from KDE I make double click with the mouse it’s working,OF COURSE ,in this case with chown/chmod done BEFORE.
Why ,do I have this strange behaviour ,when I think I know right the CLI is the strongest ,fastest and easiest way to work.

Till now as I sad I navigated to the folder file /from mounted win partition and with oocalc,ooimpress etc as root I did what I needed without any trouble.
The problem occured recently and I don’t have explanation for and in plus keep ,please in mind ,from GUI/KDE double click and it is working.
Really ,why?
Other:opening directly oocalc as root from CLI staying in KDE from usr/bin / the same ERROR.uf…

Please,HELP me!

Thank you in advance.

Not sure I follow you exactly but IMO you root doesn’t know the path to oocalc.
IMHO, the right answer is GUI double click, the CLI for uid (and root) should be


Why are you using root for CLI oocalc?

Because ,as I told you I have some files in win partition and from linux I must work on those.
I can open them as normal user but I can’t modify.

So from CLI as root with kDE working ,just I open a Terminal,I can open those files and I can modify.I did this manny times.Now it doesn’t work.
Strange is the fact when I am logged directly as root from restart the CLI doesn’t work but from KDE/GUI as root directly (with startx or whatever) it’s working.
Believe me I now very sure in the past in 11.2 no problem.

see yu

Ok need root to modify.

My apology, I’m not clear what CLI is not working in your statement:

Strange is the fact when I am logged directly as root from restart the CLI doesn’t work but from KDE/GUI as root directly (with startx or whatever) it’s working.
Are you getting error messages when the CLI doesn’t work?

Oocalc requires X system, right? Startx and whatever makes sense, as does KDE/GUI terminal windows.

“I am logged directly as root from restart the CLI” means what? X system or no X system running?

… # oocalc Session bus not found

…# KCrash: Application ‘soffice.bin’ crashing…
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.
drkonqi(10764): Session bus not found


NMyL:/mnt/sda3winDot/MCO/MCOblending # oocalc FUEL.xls Session bus not found

NMyL:/mnt/sda3winDot/MCO/MCOblending # KCrash: Application ‘soffice.bin’ crashing…
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.
drkonqi(16229): Session bus not found
NMyL:/mnt/sda3winDot/MCO/MCOblending # oocalc Session bus not found

NMyL:/mnt/sda3winDot/MCO/MCOblending # KCrash: Application ‘soffice.bin’ crashing…
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.
drkonqi(16737): Session bus not found

NO ERROR as regular user
pushy@NMyL:/mnt/sda3winDot/MCO/MCOblending> oocalc

BUT as regular user I can’t modify my files from win partition!
And I need usually to do this.

So could I get some help?
Thank you in advance to all.

btw:win partitions mounted;chown/chmod done for file I need to modify.

Does that fix the problem?

Sorry, I really don’t have answers for you, I’m just a sounding board.

My thought, if you’ve logged in a user, then su to root, kde4 can’t find /root/.kde4/socket-NMyL/kdeinit4__0 or the kdeinit to start a display session.

Have you tried ?

# or

Hello again,

I will try your soluton on monday.I let my lap with openSuSE at workplace/at home I have Debian.

Thank you.

Till then maybe our friends will come with additional solutions.

First I am going to chech solution given by tarapharazon.

Manny thanks to all for idea and time consumed here.


Pushy from Ploiesti/Romania

On 2010-07-30 17:36, tararpharazon wrote:

> My thought, if you’ve logged in a user, then su to root, kde4 can’t
> find /root/.kde4/socket-NMyL/kdeinit4__0 or the kdeinit to start a
> display session.

Or use “su -” instead of “su”.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

I tried,it doen’t work.

thank you

and I KNOW YU right about the system cant find ~kdeinit4-0.
the question is how can be fixed this.
thank to all for any help

PLEASE,I need HELP! all
manny thanks

If your question is what changed that you can’t do,


I don’t know what changed.
Maybe the lastest update (mid-July for me) of OO changed the way OO handles execution. If the document is .xls did it require a password?


That code above for gnomesu works without error, but non-root files open read-only?

On 2010-07-30 10:36, Pushy wrote:

> Because ,as I told you I have some files in win partition and from linux
> I must work on those.
> I can open them as normal user but I can’t modify.

Then correct this. Open them as user.

Assuming it is an vfat or ntfs partition, change the default “fmask=133,dmask=022” with 0117 and
0007, resp, in fstab.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

Dear Carlos


I did what you said.It doesn’t work .It have been returning the same error as before.
Maybe it is a OOO bug./office bug.
It’s bad.

Thank you.

On 2010-08-04 10:36, Pushy wrote:
> Dear Carlos
> Saludos,
> I did what you said.It doesn’t work .It have been returning the same
> error as before.

You have to umount the partition, edit fstab, change as pertinent, save, and mount the ntfs or vfat
partition again. All this in a CLI, don’t you dare to touch an icon to mount it!

Then, as user, test that you have write access to the partition by touching a file in the documents

If it doesn’t, paste output of the “mount” command and exact output of the touch command, and the
fstab line you edited.

When this works, then use calc as normal user to edit that file.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))

thank you.
but is a problem here.
So if the situation occurs only for the win partition I agree with you.
BUT The SAME situation occurs (from CLI as root) also for the FILES belongs to suse system(/home as example I checked this.)let 's suppose as idea I have a office file in root directory /root.I must umount this or /home .?.You know this can’t be done ,the system doesn’t allow when its running to umount a BUSY under any operating system PARTITION!
So ,I still believe I have a problem with the system,NOT with the PARTITION/right,permission,mounting,umounting).
KDE has a problem or OpenOfficeOrg has a bug.I will try from GNOME and I will inform you.

thank you once again.


IN GNOME I HAVE NO PROBLEM ,I repeat I have no problem.Everything is working OK .ooo WORKS very well as I want and as I know it must work.

So ,for me is clear:THE PROBLEM I HAVE IS WITH KDE!

Now,what is wrong in KDE?WHAT I SHOULD DO?HOW CAN be fixed THE KDE ERROR MENTIONED ABOVE at the begining?

I put it again here:

pushy@NMyL:/home> cd /usr/bin
pushy@NMyL:/usr/bin> su
NMyL:/usr/bin # oocalc Session bus not found

NMyL:/usr/bin # KCrash: Application ‘soffice.bin’ crashing…
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.
drkonqi(18668): Session bus not found

NMyL:/usr/bin #

So,having these new info,could I get some help from someone?
If not ,I can work in GNOME,but having a error in KDE,in system practically,it’s possible,later or sooner ,this to make other troubles ,if it’s let unsolved.

Thank you in advance to all.

kdbus error/I found something after re-searching.

please look:

NMyL:/ # kdbus
kdeinit4_wrapper: Warning: connect(/root/.kde4/socket-NMyL/kdeinit4__0) failed: : No such file or directory
khelpcenter(21886): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server: “Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.”

khelpcenter(21885): KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.

process 21864: type invalid 0 not a basic type
D-Bus not built with -rdynamic so unable to print a backtrace
KCrash: Application ‘kdbus’ crashing…
NMyL:/ #
I believe I am right:finally kdbus causes the problem also to oocalc.
I thing somehow it’s a bug or something else.DBUS/KDE is crashing.

kind regards

On 2010-08-05 11:36, Pushy wrote:
> IN GNOME I HAVE NO PROBLEM ,I repeat I have no problem.Everything is
> working OK .ooo WORKS very well as I want and as I know it must work.
> So ,for me is clear:THE PROBLEM I HAVE IS WITH KDE!
> Now,what is wrong in KDE?WHAT I SHOULD DO?HOW CAN be fixed THE KDE
> ERROR MENTIONED ABOVE at the begining?
> I put it again here:
> pushy@NMyL:/home> cd /usr/bin
> pushy@NMyL:/usr/bin> su
> Password:

Why on earth do you use “su”? You have to use “su -”, as I told you, with a dash.
The way you are doing it, root is trying to use the session bus of the USER, and thus, denied
access. This is intentional.

> NMyL:/usr/bin # oocalc
> Session bus not found

One more thing: DO NOT change to /usr/bin.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Elessar))