OpenOffice Keyboard Shortcut needed

Hi all,

Was wondering what the keyboard shortcut is for entering the date in OOCalc.

I know in Excel it is “Ctrl” & “Semi Colon” key.



Help> Shortcut keys leads you to the full list.

There isn’t a direct equivalent to the one you want but Tools>Optimise>Keyboard allows you to create one.

Heeter wrote:

> Hi all,
> Was wondering what the keyboard shortcut is for entering the date in
> OOCalc.
> I know in Excel it is “Ctrl” & “Semi Colon” key.
> Thanks
> Heeter
You’re looking for the ability to insert the date (C-:wink: and time (C-S-:wink:
with a single keypress.

Alas, openoffice isn’t that much of an exact dup of MS Office. But then
again, OpenOffice isn’t MS Office either.

You could create a macro/‘basic’ function to do what you want, then assign
it a keystroke. This person has created a macro to do just that:

L R Nix


Thanks for the link

WOuld you, by chance know to use/enable this macro?

I am kind of a noob when it comes to this.



Heeter wrote:

> Hi
> Thanks for the link
> WOuld you, by chance know to use/enable this macro?
> I am kind of a noob when it comes to this.
> Thanks
> Heeter

No idea really how to enable it. To me, it’s not a useful macro and I have
no need to deal with it… There should be instructions at the link, or in
the download file.

L R Nix

There is an openoffice quick starter as prog and icon for the systray.
Why not use that ?