I added my 2-cents to the bug report, and later this week I will also write one on 11.4 M5 LibreOffice.
I don’t know if it will help, but I can relate to what you stated.
I started using Linux in 1998 and from 1998 to 2004/2005 time frame, the stubborn streak in me would have me bang my head for hours against the wall to solve a problem. Any problem. Sometimes I succeeded and solved the problem. Often the only result was the blood on the wall, and me lying senseless (and fuming) on the floor.
Around 2005 or so I joined the openSUSE forums and I changed my approach. From then on, when I had a problem, after a brief 15 minute to 30 minute effort of my stubborn “do it myself” streak failing (very very occasionially a couple of hours of time), I would stop banging my head, and instead post my problem on the forum and participate in the subsequent dialog.
This got hard to do (post the problem) when I became a moderator, as for some reason users tend to think moderators should have the technical answers (when in fact often we don’t … BUT often we don’t want to embarass ourselves on the forum with silly questions, so we tend to try on our own a lot 1st before posting a plea for help).
Sometimes when I posted a problem the solution was passed to me right away. Other times there was a dialog where it took some time for those giving me support to prove to me what I was doing wrong (ie I stubbornly refused to accept what was a working solution ! ) . And other times there was a dialog where it took some time for me to prove to others there was indeed a problem.
Often this post of my asking for help resulted in a fix. But sometimes it did not.
But I can say my knowledge has increased much more from 2005 to 2010 (when participating in the forum), than it ever did with the stand alone head banging from 1998 to 2005.
So if you can bear with our community not having an immediate answer to things that do not work, hopefully we can all work together to produce a solution, so that so many hours not need be wasted in the future.
My apologies for my openSUSE-11.2 vs 11.3 mixup (and hence initial totally unwarrented skeptism). Sometimes I tend to forget that I have not updated my primary openSUSE PC to the latest openSUSE version.