OpenOffice crashes when displaying >1 document

Crash scenario
OpenOffice w/ SuSE 11.1
.ods file opens ok
.odt file crashes both, requests recovery.
Recovery crashes.

Will try to re-install OpenOffice directly from Sun.

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, it is the illusion
of knowledge.
Daniel J. Boorstin US Patent Office

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Correction OpenOffice

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, it is the illusion
of knowledge.
Daniel J. Boorstin US Patent Office

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Are you certain the .odt file is not corrupt, or are you doing new
(blank) files? What about when you try the other way around?

“Linux provides freedom, the problem is most users don’t know what it is
or how to use it.” ~me
Linux User #477531

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It just now crashed by opening a different .ods file first, opening a
different .ost file, then closing the .ost file.

I think this may be an OpenOffice has with KDE4. When any OpenOffice
documents are open, the plasma navigator screen on the bottom doesn’t
show all the open applications. Some of the application title blocks are
black areas on the screen.

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, it is the illusion
of knowledge.
Daniel J. Boorstin US Patent Office

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I’m not sure what the problem specially is. I tried several smaller file
combinations without OpenOffice crashing. However, the plasma problem
exists with even small files.

I tried it with some large files archived from a year ago, and I have
the same crashing problem. I doubt that I’m dealing with corrupt file.
I’ve got 2G of RAM and adequate HD. This is puzzling.

Of note, everything appears to work just fine on SuSE 11.1RC1. Given
that the big difference between these is the desktop, I’m thinking the
problem lies with KDE4.

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, it is the illusion
of knowledge.
Daniel J. Boorstin US Patent Office

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Do you have any desktop effects you can turn off (sorry, not overly
familiar with KDE and KDE specifically)?

“Linux provides freedom, the problem is most users don’t know what it is
or how to use it.” ~me
Linux User #477531

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I tried turning off KDE4 desktop affects, and that didn’t change
anything. Portions of the task manager disappear when a cursor passes
over it, then reappear when the cursor passes over a second time.

My system dual boots into Windows. The OpenOffice files performed as
expected, so the files are not the issue.

As soon as one opens a second text file, or a text and spread sheet,
OpenOffice crashes. It tries to do a recovery, then this task crashes.
When attempting to open a new file, OpenOffice is stuck in a cycle of
attempting to recovery from the prior crash.

The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, it is the illusion
of knowledge.
Daniel J. Boorstin US Patent Office

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