I have a couple of apps that now require javaFX. Oracle’s java releases bundle javafx (I tried both the outdated 7 and current 8 versions, and they both work), but openjdk doesn’t (include the openjfx implementation). Sadly, there doesn’t appear to be a working package of openjfx on OBS for openSUSE (in fact, I only spotted this one: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:Mailaender:branches:Java:packages/openjfx# … whereas I seem to recall finding a couple for Fedora). Google seems to show that this is rather par for the course for other distros too.
Anyone know offhand if whomever is looking after openjdk for openSUSE is thinking about either (i) bundling openjfx within openjdk or (ii) even start releasing openjfx as a separate “official” package for the openSUSE distros?